Viewing profile - Azoireda Ikteris

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Azoireda Ikteris
Sep 4
Gender Identity:
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Bright Yellow
Physical Description:
Az's stocky, muscular torso is belied by her soft features and bright complexion. Her narrow hazel eyes have a tired look about them, her brown hair is messily pulled out of her face, and her thin lips are usually seen set in a firm neutral expression, though the hint of a wry smile is also not uncommon.
Outfit Description:
Az's style is probably due in some part to her Semblance - she's always adorned in last-year's fashion, though she wears it well. She favors brightly-colored shirts with differing sleeve length and ripped jeans, but never goes anywhere without her scarf - an indigo number that's almost a bandana in how short it is.
Personality Description:
Az is a bit overeager to befriend (and thus speak to) as many people as possible, which results in a kind of forced-gregariousity that she hasn't realized is nonnegligibly off-putting yet.

She has a strong thirst to prove her worth, both as a person and as a combatant.
Backstory Highlights:
Az didn't find out the full story of her first few hours of life until she was sixteen, when her brother Aeko finally managed to find her and tell her what had happened from her late mother's perspective.

Her home environment growing up was far from ideal - her foster step-mother stopped beating her when she realized that Az never seemed bothered by corporal punishment, and her foster father was a workaholic (and probably an alcoholic, too, now that she thought about it).

Once liberated from her foster home by her brother, Az blossomed quickly into a strong, independent (though still very self-doubtful) young woman. With her new lease on life came a newfound freedom that Az chose to spend studying to be a Huntress, following in the footsteps of her deceased mother.
Az studied for Atlas Academy's entrance exams by bouncing around the underground fight club scene in Mantle for a year. After being rejected due to her issues with authoritarianism, she caught a boat to Vale, where she entered several local fighting tournaments to polish her craft - she never placed high, but then again, her goal was to learn, not to win.
Semblance Name:
Semblance Description:
Always active, Dilatorius is, put simply, the ability to arrive late - to EVERYTHING.

Try as she might, Az is simply incapable of being on time, whether it be to class, to pain, or even to her own birth.

With a bit of encouragement (read: an expenditure of Aura), she can enhance or extend the effects of her Semblance (or both).
When enhanced in this way, Dilatorius can slow her bodily functions (such as breathing); when extended, it can cause light to arrive late, causing opponents who rely on sight to temporarily mistake her position for a place she'd been at an earlier point in time.
Weapon Name:
Aspiration and Judgment
Weapon Description:
A pair of shortswords with thin, short crossguards, Aspiration & Judgement are slightly overbalanced.
Other Gear:
Az also carries a large pouch of various Dust-filled thrown weapons, such as grenades, smoke bombs, and flashbangs. It also contains a medkit for out-of-combat triaging (it's underneath all the weapons) and a rubber duck.
Fighting Style:
Because her attacks are always slightly more telegraphed than those of her peers' (thank the gods for her Semblance, amirite?), Az's style focuses heavily on pattern-less attack sequences, decisive actions, and (when feasible) ambush tactics.

She often aims her attacks a little ahead of her opponents in an attempt to counteract her Semblance, and feeds it Aura to 'fix' any over-corrections.
Az has yet to discover her own strengths or recognize them as such. See her Weaknesses for why that might be....

Az is possessed of a very analytical mind, making her an excellent tactician. She also possesses above-average time-management skills, as her Semblance necessitates giving herself as much time as possible due to the inevitable procrastination that it causes.

Az is FAST. Her constant practice and drive to somehow, someway overcome her Semblance has given her the discipline needed to maintain peak physique, as sheer speed is the only obvious way to overcome it.
Az's self-doubt about her own worth, capability, and friendships can escalate into a crippling fear of not being good enough at a moment's notice. It can also be exploited by anyone who gives her validation, though she is aware of this; however, this awareness makes her distrustful of praise, making it harder for her to accept that there's no ulterior motive behind the affirmation she receives from others.

Her lack of experience in the world at large makes her a poor strategist.
+ being praised
+ hot meals
+ snow
+ spending quality time with friends
+ laughter
+ pizza
- being patronized
- big, empty rooms
- being alone
- being left behind
- rain
- strawberries
Fun Facts:
Az's profile picture is a commission from Adam Withers!
Recent Events:
Made a grenade in class and got an A for doing so

Az is eager to add to this list - please tell her she's doing a good job!
Alternate Characters:
Kailyn Keison
Lauren Voltaire
Sean McCabe
Chain Dupp
Leonard Uaine
Claire Buíocán
Ethan Sagol
Saoirse Luíseach
Hamish Ebony
Raymond Drizton
Ziva Kaplan
Nell Kotsiopoulos
Professor Silas Aronheim

Contact Azoireda Ikteris

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Thu Sep 19, 2024 12:33 am
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The Residential District
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Pizza Time [Private with Az & Al]
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Az talks in "ffcc00".
Her theme song is poignant.
You can find EPs for all my characters here.