Viewing profile - Rouge Ako

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Rouge Ako
The Scarlet Musician
June 12
Gender Identity:
Character Picture: ... -753715313
Personal Emblem Image: ... 1614713164
198 lbs
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
Rouge is often mistaken for a street grown adolescent problem maker, with his red eyes that shine with intelligence and intensity, and are usually looking down at you because of his height. His spiked scarlet hair that makes him stand out in a crowd with very little effort and often putting him on the aggressive looking side of the chart. But all of this instantly vanished when he smiles and begins to talk. His blushed pale brown skin, though on occasion he has tanned and regained his darker skin tone under the sun during his time on the beaches on his off days. When he removes his shirt another light shines on Rouge and not for his muscle tone or lack of any fat but instead on his chest are two large and deep scars, one riding down to the right side of his hip, crossing over each other and forming an ‘X’ as well as a few scars around his hands and arms. Recently he has received two of his first ever tattoos to commemorate recent events in his life, one tattoo on his left shoulder of two lines, one black and the other scarlet, in the form of a violin. The other tattoo are the letters EMRD wrapping around his left ankle, this one as a reminder of the years he spent growing the group of the greatest of friends he ever had.
Outfit Description:
Rouge’s friend, Midas, commissioned the current combat outfit after working with the scarlet haired male for several weeks. Using the powerful silk she makes, Midas crafted the trademarked traditional robe of Rouge. The robe itself is beautifully crafted with pure white silk and decorated with a red shade embroidered with roses of a darker shade along with black vines and thorns. Around his waist is the same red sash he purchased during his time in Sanctum, as well as learning it was also a crafted piece made by Midas, though now it has been improved with stronger silk and the length increased to three meters instead of it being two. Beneath the robe is a black polo shirt made of the same powerful silk, it is edged with a dark shade of red and tucked in neatly around his waist. The slacks he wears are the same shade of black as his shirt and held up by both the red sash and a black leather belt. His footwear are a pair of shin high leather boots, shined. Rouge wears the outfit in an odd sort of fashion since he finds fighting with the robe covering his sword arm is quite the hindrance. So he wears the robe with only one arm in the sleeve and securing the rest of it behind his sash alongside with the right side of his robe, giving him free movement and almost as much protection as he was receiving if he wore it correctly. Of course he could always remove the robe and use it as a fire blanket or give it to allies for added protection.

When doing anything with his music, Rouge will drop the school clothes, his Hunter’s robe, and even normal everyday clothes, and instead he will don a completely different outfit.
Personality Description:
Rouge used to be extremely reserved and more often than not oblivious during his first year at Beacon, usually quiet and showing little emotions to his peers and his teachers. This was the case until he became friends with several other students and began to show more and more of who he really is, he began to smile more and talk to others, often being the one to start conversations rather than waiting for them to happen. His oblivious nature still resides unfortunately and with his honestly and lack of situational awareness when it comes to saying the right words, it is often getting him in trouble with people who don’t know him or are not prepared with some of his answers.

This doesn’t diminish the fact that Rouge is a gentle person who acts for others before himself, and tries his hardest to understand those close to him.

It also isn’t a surprise when people find out Rouge plays music that he has a completely different side to him. He prepares himself as if he is going to fight or spar and speaks not a single word the moment he starts playing. His friends, as well as the few others who have seen him play, quickly realized all of the emotion Rouge couldn’t express properly was shown through his music. This doesn’t mean he is somber or sad but rather energetic and passionate.
Backstory Highlights:
(Rouge's 8 months old)
Rouge's life begins in a small house at the end of a shabby neighborhood in Vale. A backpack, filled to the brim with snacks, baby food, and other traveling goods, and a single luggage bag opened to reveal neatly packed women's clothes and toddler clothes as well. A mother, a retired huntress and stay at home mother, was feeding the little child in her arms. He had a head full of bright red hair and eyes that shined as bright as his smile. She gave a soft giggle, one full of love and hope, and Rouge looked up at his mother to see tears running down her face and dropping onto her winter jacket. As much as this memory is a pleasant one, it is also a terrible one.

Rouge's father was changed when he was forcibly retired from his job as a hunter, claiming the therapists and doctors didn't know what they were talking about. He has become aggressive and a drunk, often causing problems at pubs and when things begin to heat up, the man will brandish the hunter's weapon he still carries or throw glass daggers around anyone who was giving him problems. Possibly worse of all, he threatened his wife more than anyone else. Walking home took a bit longer than expected, stumbling across the street and careful not to trip over his own feet, the man found no lights on in his house or no smoke traveling into the sky from the chimney. He ran as fast as a drunk could run and threw himself into the front door of his house, shattering it into splinters. And what he found was a cold and empty house.

(Five years later/Rouge is 5 years old)

A red headed child quietly peaked through the blinds of his bedroom window, looking at the person his mother was talking to. He seemed very old, with a long grey beard and hair to match and as well as a metal staff that he seems to be using as a can, and possibly the most curious to Rouge, the old man had a tail of a monkey wrapped tightly around his waist. This was one of the faunus his mother spoke about when she taught him during the days. The old man passed over an envelope over to his mother, bowed his head, and slowly made he way from the house. His mother opened the letter and held a hand to her mouth, Rouge knew the look and shakes she had very well. It meant they were going to a different house.

He didn’t understand why they have to move again, but at this point he was used to it. Rouge looked around the small house he and his mother lived in, it only had three rooms and he slept in the same room as his mother every night. She wouldn’t let him outside much to play with the other little kids and instead played music and began to teach him to do the same thing. He remembered the nights she would sing him to sleep and sing to him whenever he felt sad or scared. The child made a promise to himself at that window that day, he promised that one day he will sing to his mother when she needed it most.

(Another 6 years later/Rouge is 11 years old)

Rouge was still living in Vale and in fact living in a nicer house than the one before, several rooms lined the hallways and the child even has a room all to himself! He couldn't believe it, but he noticed his mother was gone more often and when she did come home, it was at the dead of night and she was wearing a different outfit and had some sort of sword at her hip. She tried to stay quiet but eventually Rouge stayed awake and waited by the door those nights to give her a hug and try to help her.

The days she was home and Rouge wasn’t at school was, what he considered, work. She would teach him general knowledge to help him excel at school and teach him how to play her violin or guitar, and if he did well enough she would let him play outside in their backyard for a bit, but not before plucking a rose that grew from the dirt and grass and tucked it in his hair. Every time she does this, she would say that no matter how far he went, her roses would tell his mother that Rouge was fine and safe.

(2 years later/Rouge is 13 years)
Rouge laid on his back, looking up at the tree covered sky, gasping for air and counting down from a hundred. The boy looked up to see his mother also breathing hard, her red hair no longer as bright and vibrant as her child's now her color has turned a pale tone and a few grey hairs hide away in her head. She gripped a practice sword in one hand and a shattered glass dagger in her other hand. "You need to hold back your emotions, do not let them take control. Or else you're semblance will lash out with your emotions." Rouge only nodded back to her and reached out to grab hold of his own wooden sword. He didn't see the cut on his mother's hand or the one on her leg, but he did see her wince slightly after each clash when they began once again.

The sun was setting over the trees and the mother and son have swapped out their weapons for two violins. This was another exercise they do together to help Rouge learn and grow, and mostly to have something else to strive in that doesn't have to do with being a hunter. So three days of a week they practiced together, be it with swords or music.

(Two years later/Rouge is 15 years old)
Rouge stood on at the entrance to Signal Academy and gazed at the large and impressive school, knowing that once he takes his first steps into this school it'll be steps towards of finally becoming a hunter, just like his mother. Some of the other new students took a moment to look at him standing at the stairway, wondering if he was nervous or scared even. He wasn't scared, he was excited. So the soon-to-be hunter tightened his scarf, grabbed his violin and guitar case, and made his way to Signal.

During his years at Signal, Rouge became very close to a Professor Hickory, who he later found out that he taught his mother and father when they both went to Signal in their early years. So the old man felt obligated to take the red haired boy under his wing, helping him create his weapon Abismo Escarlata and training him to master it and his semblance. Days off to the rest of the students were days Rouge and Prof. Hickory were at the training grounds, clashing sword against staff, and glass against earth. Rouge learned well under Hickory's tutorage, in fact he thrived under it. He was able to learn how to express himself slightly better than he was able to when he first came to Signal, though he was still brutally honest, which brought the old hunter to tears of laughter on occasion in his classroom. It was only a matter of time when Hickory kept Rouge after class on afternoon of his third year, to personally give him his letter of invitation to Beacon.

(First Year at Beacon/Rouge is 17 years old)
Rouge’s first year was tough for him, especially the first few months where the musician spent most of his days keeping to himself, strictly studying in the library, play and practice his music in a private room, and practicing against dummies and dolls. Most of the students kept clear of him because of his look, often described as a troublemaker or just bad news, and they didn’t talk to him much because of his brutal honesty, often keeping in answers short and straight to the point which made it hard for conversation. He honestly didn’t mind the space and quiet the lack of companionship brought forth, it gave him time to thrive in the academic side of school. Which hid old professor, Hickory, quickly grew worried for himself old student after visiting him at Beacon. So before he left off back to Signal, Hickory came to Rouge and gave him a task to do. “Make some friends and form a team and a bond.”

It took two months until Rouge could complete this task, and with no small amount of efforts and attempts. Soon enough Rouge had the pleasure of meeting Eleanore and Midas, future members of his team EMRD, in the library one afternoon. The two laughed many times at the comments Rouge made and quizzical looks her gave to them when they were explaining the value of camaraderie while becoming a hunter. It also didn’t take long for Midas to comment on his outfit, the two piece white attire he now uses when either preforming or practicing alone with his violin, and on the red sash he had around his waist. It was then she offered him her services and her silk to create him a better and more appropriate attire for a future hunter, and all Rouge could say was yes.

The trio spent most of their off time together training, studying, or bonding. Rouge became a more talkative person because of it and, often quoted and bragged by Eleanore that she was the reason, smiled and laughed which students who were passing by realized that was the first time they saw him like that. The girls often sparred against Rouge at the same time for him to get a feel of an unfair advantage in combat and causing him to staring and push against his limits to produce glass constructs faster and stronger as the weeks rolled along. In fact it was during one of their sparring sessions did the trio meet their fourth and final member for team EMRD, Dandy. Dandy was testing and practicing his marksmanship alone, utilizing strong and explosive rounds in his long barreled rifle, fortunately for him and unfortunately for him, the round worked but it ricocheted off a rock and splintered Rouge sheath while it was in his hand.

Thankfully he wasn’t hurt but the same wasn’t said for his sheath, which Dandy promised to make it up to Rouge. The musician gave a laugh and told the sniper that accidents happened, while Eleanore was easily holding back a very pissed of Midas. So Dandy came back to Rouge after a few months to give him Abismo Escarlata MK. 2.0 and was offered the vacant spot it the trio’s group. Officially creating team EMRD.

The team did almost everything together and often if one was spotted by themselves, it didn’t take long for a second, third, or even forth member to appear practically out of nowhere. They completed several assignments tasked to them and they thrived after each one, becoming better at covering each person’s specific weakness. Rouge and his range and defense, Eleanore and her speed and movement, Midas and her time constraints and limited hand to hand fighting, and Dandy with his close combat experience.

It finally took Rouge till the last week of his first year at Beacon for him to notice how fast time was moving, it wasn’t like the first months where he felt every second of every day. His mother and Professor Hickory stood at the entrance of Beacon with smiles on their faces, and it was also then Rouge noticed he hasn’t seen either of them in such a long time. He completed the task Hickory gave to him.

(Second Year at Beacon/Rouge is 18 years old)

Year two at Beacon was a roller coaster, it started with Rouge returning to his dorm room to find the rest of team EMRD playing with his instruments. Midas on his violin, Eleanore on his acoustic guitar, and Dandy attempting to play but more like mashing the keys of his keyboard. They all shared a laugh as they pointed and took pictures of the look on Rouge’s face, fully expecting him to pass out from the shock. Instead of waiting for it to happen the three decided to jump at Rouge and dog pile him on his dorm room floor, a few moments of laughter and shrieking took place as they all tried to give each other some sort of comforting hug. They all brought themselves off the floor and began to recall their time spent away from the academy during their break.

School life continued for the four of them as normal. They had tests, homework, physical exercise in the form of sparring and small Grimm slaying, and a free period which Rouge spent either with an instrument or cooking lunches for his team. They became very close and often did everything together or at least as a pair, Rouge’s smile was always there whenever they were together. It was only bad luck what came next.

They were tasked with some Grimm slaying which should’ve been easy enough for them to handle, what they didn’t account for was a huge snake Grimm happened to come across the action. It slithered across the ground, looking at the members of EMRD fighting the Grimm without much difficulty, and then it took note of Eleanore was the reason behind this. Her defense and leadership was what kept the team on edge against their adversaries, so the snake chose it’s target and made way towards Eleanore, and the only member who saw it was Rouge and he wasn’t fast enough. The snake bit and shredded Eleanore’s leg, completely amputating her and causing her to cry out in pain, quickly the fight began to dissolve into pure chaos. Rouge tasked Dandy and Midas to take Eleanore to safety while he held them off, and before the snake could attack one again a giant glass spear rained from above and pierced it’s head.

The two grabbed Eleanore and began to make a break for it, every Grimm who got close was intercepted by either Rouge himself or some sort of glass creation the musician created on the spot. Five long minutes were spent like this, Rouge doing his best to protect his friends, his family, and they ran their farthest away. Rouge was tired as well, and by the looks of it, running on empty on Aura because a Grimm’s claws were able to get a good scrape on his arm. By some miracle was the team saved by another group arriving to help with the issue, and giving Rouge enough time to burn and mold molten glass over the amputated stump, and with that team EMRD were saved and taken away.

Eleanore was still in recovery, but by doctors recommendations, she would have to give up her life as a huntress. Rouge, Dandy, and Midas waited outside in the waiting room to see her. Only she never went to the waiting room to see her friends, she instead took a patient exit and when home.

The team took a big hit late in the first semester, and because of it Dandy and Midas were talking about different routes to take. Dandy wanting to work at a weapon smith and dust artificer and Midas going back to work in her family tailor shop. Rouge still wanted to be a hunter but quickly realized that he is about to be the only one left, so came the last week of the second semester and Rouge made a final dish for his friends. This would be the last day the school year and the last day the three of them crossed paths. Rouge visited Hickory at Signal and the old man gave a sad nod after hearing the news and explained to you young hunter that there are many unfortunate days like that but he must not give up. The professor then tasked Rouge to try again and work harder to make sure the likelihood of an incident fluke that accruing won’t.

(Third Year at Beacon/Rouge is 20 years old)
Rouge is now spending his third year at beacon now, finally solidifying his role as a hunter and a musician. He is also looking to find a new team after the unfortunate disperse of team EMRD last semester of his second year, which is a lie since he actually just wants to find some friends like that again. Most of his days are now spent practicing with whoever has the time to help improve in any areas he may suffer in. His days are also spent studying in the library or his dorm room or out and about with one of his instruments.
3rd Year Student
Rouge learned most of his skills as a hunter from Professor Hickory and his time at Signal, especially when it came to his weapon, Abismo Escarlata, and ways to expand the use of his semblance offensively. Later, to Rouge's and Team EMRD’s surprise, his semblance offered a great deal of defensive capabilities that he would have to train rigorously to even attempt to use it in battle. But soon enough, after his first year, he was able to use his glass defensively. He has been on several missions through his years and practices regularly to keep himself tuned.

He also learned skills from his mother, mostly the starting point of being a hunter, but the skills his mother mostly taught him was music, from her he is able to play all the string instruments with ease, including the piano. With it came the ability to play by ear, and during his three years at Beacon he learned to wonders of Rock and how to play electric instead of just acoustic.
Semblance Name:
Mosaic Maestro
Semblance Description:
Rouge’s semblance works in two parts, part A being the ability to create glass in different shapes and complexity from his aura, the complexity and size will both take part in how draining it is towards his aura, and part B being able to manipulate the glass telepathically. The main weakness is that the glass can usually only receive or distribute one hit unless Rouge spends more aura and energy to strengthen the glass. The glass itself can manifest in many different colors, Rouge often likes to appoint certain colors to certain jobs.

Part A
Rouge can create a wide variety of glass constructs of different shapes, size, and color. Rouge assigns certain colors for certain jobs for teammates to be aware of during combat.

Blue glass is often used for creating shields to block incoming attacks and giving cover that allies can view through without the worry of harm. He also can create larger and more solid blocks and shields of glass that’s harder to look through but can receive more attacks.

Green glass is used for Rouge to create greater distance from someone or propel him forward or around a target, unfortunately Rouge hasn’t able to perfect it enough to use on allies and if used wrong it could easily pierce them.

Red glass is used primarily for weaponry. Swords, daggers, axes, and all sorts of weapons that Rouge can create in an instant to use against whoever is unlucky enough to be on the receiving end of it. Rouge can create these weapons in the air around himself, straight into his hand or the hands of his team.

White glass is used to create protections for Rouge’s body, it is by far the fastest glass Rouge can create and that is mainly because it is reactionary. It’s glass that covers certain portions of his body the only problem is that it can restrict Rouge’s movements and often needs to him to either consciously turn the glass into shards and break away from his body or to break it off himself.

Part B
Rouge is able to telepathically move his glass with out much effort depending on this size, and he can use his hands, sword, or sheath as if they were the baton of a Conductor or Maestro to move his glass faster and more accurately. The easiest for Rouge to move is his often his weapons and reason being is that they are usually the lightest of the bunch.

After all is said and done, Rouge is now able to shatter his glass without the use of his weapon and these shards are able to move around rapidly, far faster than anything else in Rouge’s Mosaic Arsenal, the only issue is that they can be very dangerous to himself and teammates. Rouge hasn’t used this is battle and often practices with it on an empty training field that he signs out for the day.
Weapon Name:
Abismo Escarlata
Weapon Image: ... -872446187
Weapon Description:
Rouge Ako uses a three and a half foot long katana in conjunction with a rifle mechanism sheath. Primarily, the sheath acts as a force additive to propel Rouge's drawing motion at high speeds and inflict greater damage and faster time to block fast attacks, this is because of the trigger built into the katana's handle that activates this mechanism Hickory and Rouge designed together during his time at Signal. The sword doesn't posses a secondary mode like most other hunters and the same went for his sheath too, but this changed his second semester at Beacon, after his first sheath was shattered, this new sheath has a mechanism that enables the sheath to reveal it's firearm form of either a sawed off lever action shotgun that shoots solid slugs, this mechanism is achieved by latching over itself and locking into place, or a lever action rifle with doesn't need the sheath to latch over and lock itself into place, this does however block the shotgun barrel and disables it from functioning.
Other Gear:
Carried alongside his weapons is one of his instruments that he'll play during free times and while traveling across from town to town. The instruments he brings alongside are a violin, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and an electric bass.

Rouge also carries several glass rods that'll be thrown out towards his advisories and shatter the rods to create shards of glass that he can manipulate downwards to stake them down or at the very least cause a devastating amount of damage. He would usually give a few out to the members of his party and instruct them to gain his attention before they throw the rods to not waste their capabilities.
Fighting Style:
During his years at Signal Academy, Rouge trained with Professor Hickory to set out and create a perfect fighting style that would help Rouge best suit his weapon and semblance.

First was starting at the base of Rouge, this being his weapon. Even though the blade is based off of other weapons primarily used with two hands, Rouge opts to wielding it with one hand with helps create a not so recognizable pattern as he starts to attack. The blade is in constant movement and rarely stays still for longer than a moment to keep his opponents attention on it rather than Rouge himself. In his left hand, being held firmly and mostly pressed against his forearm, is the sheath of Abismo Escarlata which is used primarily as Rouge’s shield to help block against attacks.

His semblance is also used but during the training with Hickory, Rouge focused mainly on creating movement and weapons with it and it wouldn't change until late in his second semester and with the help of team EMRD. Also during his second year, Rouge mainly focused on creating more useful constructs with his glass and often sparred with his team as a 2 on 2 to practice supporting his allies up until the disbandment of the team. Now he can create a multitude of different weapons, though primarily sticking with swords, daggers, and like such weapons because of how easy and little concentration it takes for Rouge to make because usually they are meant to be used once. Though he is able to create other weapons that are usually asked for by allies if they need it, an example was a glass axe once used to help a disarmed team member. His shields and walls are also always improving but unfortunately they come at a greater cost towards his aura because of either the size or weight that comes with creating these kinds of objects, and if he is able to make them.

The effectiveness of his ability to create weapons, shields, pillars, or other ways of supporting himself or teammates diminish at a faster rate the more he glass he creates and uses. So far the two largest creations Rouge has made was a six inch solid shield that was capable of stopping a lot of opposing force. The second one being a large fifteen foot long spear that was used to slam down into the opened maw of a snake Grimm which happened to be the largest Grimm he has ever opposed. The negative side is that Rouge could only do it a few times before he is spent.

Currently Rouge is working on manipulating hundreds of shards to deliver devastating damage, the only issue is the lack of fine control he has and how dangerous it can be for allies or himself, so he only works with it for training and has yet used it in battle.
(Everyday Strengths)
-Rouge is intelligent and extremely philosophical, often solving problems within seconds while others around him will be taking much longer. He takes a look at something and is able to break it down to the most basic of things like where to cut, how much force to put into it, when to add more ingredients at which time, and as well as strategic and mathematical questions.

-Rouge is able to talk to most with particular ease, looking for some sort of common interests and mold his personality to become more compatible with that one person, easily befriending them and becoming trustworthy to them.

(Battle Strengths)
-Speed can always overcome strength and will continue but it will do no good of your strength is too low to even do damage, Rouge overcame this concern by training himself to not only able to move at great speeds he can also dish out a large amount of damage along with it.

-Rouge’s semblance provides him with a surprising amount of room to be unpredictable and catch his opponents off guard, it also gives him much needed defense and range which is the two categories he has been suffering mostly on.
(Everyday Weaknesses)
-Rouge is very blunt and honest with everyone he meets, often replying with hurtful answers when he is asked an opinionated question, even if it's a clear sign to give a complement to a girl or a small white lie to children. It makes him seem cold and unsympathetic but in reality he just doesn't know any better.

(Battle Weaknesses)
-Rouge’s familiarity with using firearms instead of his semblance for range has put him well behind the learning curve, he has worked around this with his new sheath he incorporated into his weapon but he hasn't perfected it. Often missing shots or missing opportunities to use his firearm instead of his sword. To fight him at his worst is keeping him at range will significantly change the spar/fight.
-Training every other day is a must for Rouge and to make sure that he practices the control and precision of his blade to make sure he won't cut deep if he doesn't need to and to severe if he has to.

-He likes spicy food and as well as the occasional drink.

-Rouge enjoys, what would surprise most, cooking which he learnt from his mother many years ago, she taught him the fundamentals and basics of cooking, stating that every ingredient has a job and all a cook has to do is just find it's place within the chaos. Since then Rouge has found himself in a kitchen preparing a big meal if something is irking him or he needs to calm down for a few minutes, which lasts for an hour.

-If he isn't cooking than he is playing orchestral instruments, the violin, viola, and such, in places he believes he can share his noise with people. He plays soothing sounds that are pleasing to the ear and constructs songs from several different pieces he has heard recently, creating something new and amazing music.
-Rouge isn’t a fan of techno music and not surprisingly, dubstep, often referring to the music as a dissatisfied clump of creativity.

-Rouge absolutely hates fried food, he says it’s a texture thing.

-He doesn’t enjoy large gathering of people and this is due to him growing up in a small town for the first decade of his life.

-Sand, again a texture thing, but he does like going to the beach.

-EDM concerts, it combines two of the things he doesn’t like and makes it something he hates. But he likes normal concerts and orchestras so he is a bit hypocritical.
Fun Facts:
-Rouge has wanted to compete in a musical competition ever since he first came to Beacon and discovered the multitude of musically inclined students alongside himself.

-Rouge is one of the few third years who regularly go on missions, and because he doesn't have a formed team anymore, he assists other teams and sometimes acts as a T.A. for the licensed Huntsmen and Huntresses.

-Rouge will sometimes imitate accents of those he is speaking to without noticing and usually takes the other party to call him out and most of the times accuse him of making fun of the way they speak, even when he doesn't mean to.

Contact Rouge Ako

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”Pieces of music can never die, they live forever in the ears of those who’ve musician’s played for.”
-Rouge Ako
