Viewing profile - Al Ciendra

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Al Ciendra
(Jokingly, by her Mentor) Isegrim.
23rd of April
Gender Identity:
Faunus (Wolf-Ears and Fangs)
Sanus, from a town named Azmarine
Character Picture:
5'4" / 163cm
140 pounds
Eye Color:
Emerald Green
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
Al's body is of a lean build, she is very fit and muscular, neither of which is surprising as Al constantly pushes herself in training.
Though she remains small.

Al's faunus traits are a pair of ears atop her head, matching her brown hair in color and messiness and her teeth being that of a wolf instead, including 2 pairs of fangs.
Her fangs don't serve any real purpose, as Al is perfectly fine eating normal food.
Yet they are still functional, something Inren, Al's brother, knows thanks to their play fights they had as kids.
Al does take her oral hygiene very seriously, she is proud of her fangs, after all.
Due to her wolf nature, Al does possess the low light vision like most faunus do, though she almost never relies on it and instead focuses on her hearing.

Due to her semblance, Al is unaffected by the sun, which is useful as she can't get sunburned but also means she can never get a tan.

Al's pale skin is covered in scars, most stemming from a Grimm attack Al survived as a child, the others are from various sources.

The entire right side of her face is a mess, it looks like a bite has torn of most of her skin, exposing the flesh and bone underneath, blinding her right eye in the process.
The tear stops just above her mouth.
The left side of her face is not unharmed, three slashes of a claw stretch from her forehead to her chin, luckily missing her left eye.

The rest of Al's face is pretty normal, if it wasn't for the gruesome injuries Al would have been a beautiful young woman.
Her one healthy emerald green eye yet still holds that never wavering spark of joy.
While her injured eye is blind, it will still move with Al's gaze, but it does not dilate, always remaining in a wide-eyed stare.
Al's nose is also a bit messed up, having been broken a couple times during fights.
Outfit Description:
Al's combat outfit consist of a black bodysuit which is easy to move in and covers her from neck to toe.
Al mostly wears it to relief friction between her armor and skin.

Her armor, mostly consists of dust infused steel but does have leather elements, those being the pauldrons and any straps.

Her red cloak is light and protects her against cold temperatures and rain, but offers no protection against harm directed at Al.
It's also rather comfortable, so Al does sometimes use it as a blanket.
Arcum and Gladio are hidden under Al's cloak, stowed away in a special holster sown into the cloak, ready to surprise anyone that thinks Al would be unarmed.

The brown shorts Al wears are nothing special, she just likes them as they are easy to move in and offer more pockets to cram stuff into.

Al's mask is very precious to her.
Which is why it's so bent out of shape, as she would rather have it repaired than replace it.
It consists of a single piece metal plate, black glass, slits to breathe and leather straps holding it to Al's head.
The inside is cushioned with a fine neoprene like fabric to protect Al's face from the effect of constantly wearing metal.
The eyeholes of her mask are covered by darkened, reinforced glass.
Which is very hard to break, even for some physically stronger Grimm.
The darkened glass makes it, so Al cannot blind herself with her own flames.
The slits over her mouth are fitted with filters that protect Al from particles in the air, such a smoke, dust or soot, all the particles that Al could fling around in a fight.
They provide no protection against gasses or liquids.
Al's combat gear is highly resistant to heat, Al did not manage to damage it with her flames so far.
Her armor was created with a special dust infused alloy that is resilient to heat, and it's also self cooling.
The fabric of her cloak and suit is infused with a similar dust mix as Al's armor.

Besides her hunting gear shown above, Al would also wear the standard school uniform, but with pants instead of a skirt, plus her mask of course.

Al does not care much for fashion, as she prefers practically over looks.
Her casual outfits consist of a mash of hoodies, plain shirts, shorts or cargo pants.
Along with her combat boots, or normal running shoes.
Personality Description:
Al may start any relationship by staying distant at first, if she feels comfortable with them, she will quickly open up.
Once that first step is taken, Al is usually very brash and cheerful but also friendly and affectionate, a big fan of hugs and head pats and loves nothing more than seeing her friends smile, being willing to help and support them in any way she can.

Al is rather creative, she usually expresses this via her flames, making them take on shapes of people or creatures for a miniature theater or just mocking someone that annoys her.

While she's quick on her legs, Al is also quick-witted, able to make split second decisions and always having an idea set when she does something, whether that idea is actually a good one or well-thought-out is up in the air.

Al is generally optimistic, just out of pure necessity, as lingering on setbacks or other such things clouds her judgement and she would much rather think about how to improve on them than let them ruin her day.

While usually keeping a cool head, Al can sometimes just switch off her logical thinking and act on her impulses or desires.
This usually happens when food is involved.
Same goes for her temper, as Al usually does not get angry but if someone or something were to somehow piss her off the following outburst would be tough to deal with.

While easy going, Al is competitive and a show-off, she has no issue's loosing unless someone challenges her in one of her strong suits, losing then may actually get under her skin.

Al will often resort to fighting to resolve her problems.
And as such often gets herself into trouble because of this.
Though, she would never start a serious fight with someone she considers her friend.

Despite being very sociable and energetic, Al does need her time alone.
Sometimes spending time with people can feel very draining to her, so she will back away and just take a few hours for herself.

Al does not like hiding her face, as it makes it hard to talk to people.
But she fears exposing her heavily injured face would scare people off, so Al wears her mask to hide it.
Losing her mask in a public setting, especially with friends is one of Al's biggest fears and the thought alone makes her highly uncomfortable.
That being said, Al will take any possible opportunity to take off her mask when in private or with the few people she trusts with her secret.
Backstory Highlights:
The Ciendra family is a family of weapon smiths, making weapons for hunters for generations.
Though they were never really able to have a market breakthrough, their business is going well and lets them live a happy and carefree life in a small town of Sanus called Azmarine.
Her parents have currently retired and her older Brother Inren is running the family business.

The Ciendra family consists of Al's father, Markus, a tall sturdy and gruff looking wolf faunus, with a proud beard, arms like tree trunks and gray thinning hair and a big secretly soft heart.

Al's mother Maria, a small human woman, but a master at using the fine tools of a seamstress from years of training. She helps her husband around the shop, mainttains and makes clothes and sells the wares.
The sun also seems to have been miss-placed as this woman is always radiating a positive and cheery aura.

And Inren, a human male of tall and muscular build, Al's brother, is 6 years older than Al and as such often still treats her like a kid, as such there are some scuffles between the two more often than not. But they always make up, putting to show how good they actually get along and love each other.

Al may have never gotten into the smithing business, but she has supported her family as much as possible, mostly helping them sell their wares and after discovering her semblance save money on coal as she could heat the various fire pits as part of her training.

Al had always been a rowdy kid and was usually up and about playing outside and making the neighborhood a more lively place.
This was in part due to Al being unnaturally sturdy, this was because Al had manifested her Aura relatively early in life unbeknownst to her and everyone else, as the town had no one proficient in Aura, besides the few traveling huntsmen.

And she would quickly discover her semblance.
During a normal day, like any other Al and her brother were playing outside, Al was her usual happy self yet her brother Inren had recently been rejected by his crush and as such was silently grieving.
This sadness had lured in a Griffon Grimm that was sneaking around outside the town walls and prompted it to find its way inside to attack Inren.
Not knowing what else to do Al tackled the Grimm instead, which was not very effective, but it got it away from Inren, who quickly ran to get help while Al tried to run away and keep it at bay.
But Al never got far as the Grimm slashed her across her front using it's barbed tail, instantly destroying her still very fragile aura shield and cutting deep into her arms and stomach, leaving the largest scar now visible on Al's body.
She was quickly overwhelmed, helpless to defend against the Grimms attacks but as panic of dying, fear of being left alone and pain all over here body were overwhelming her, somethimg was boiling up in her.

With a mighty roar of flame Al exploded in a bright nova of fire, not further harming herself but incinerating the Grimm and a lot of the surrounding area in a glorious yet horrific display.

Al was soon retrieved by the town guard, who brought her broken and torn apart body to the town's hospital, which is where Al spent the next three months. She had lost a lot of blood and out of shock Al had entered a coma, which she spent the first month in, it was a miracle that she survived in the first place. During this time Al underwent multiple surgeries to fix the damage she had taken, which included all the broken bones, damage to her skin and most of all the damaged organs.
After a month Al finally woke up.
During the next two months Al had plenty of visits from her dad and mom, the former of which had started working on the first version of her mask, by request of his daughter.
Inren had visited her a couple of times as well, always separate from their parents. It was obvious he blamed himself for what happened to his sister, but she had never been angry with him in the first place.
Inren was always there to play with Al, give her some new books to read and just make her stay at the hospital a bit more bearable.

After the three months were over Al was discharged, much earlier than expected due to the girls Aura aiding the healing process.
After this traumatic experience Al did not resign herself to sulk but expressed the wish to become stronger, to protect herself and her family, so something like this would never happen to her or a loved one again.
And at the age of ten her family hired the hunter named Auburn to train Al for the next eight years.

Under Auburn's care Al first learned the basics of Aura and how to utilize her semblance.
Auburn yet kept Al from pushing her semblances limits, as he was afraid she could harm herself.

Soon Auburn focused on physical training, so Al would become more athletic. A tough workout regiment, frequent sparring against her master and many, many exercises toughened Al up yet for the most part Al was taught to rely on her dexterity and agility, due to her still being rather physically weak.

Al would then receive her weapons, Gladio and Armis, a collaborative effort of her fathers craftsmanship and Auburn's experience and expertise.

More training followed in which Al learned to use her weapons from Auburn and everything about her weapons from her father.

Training continued, soon Al would practice against live Grimm under Auburn's supervision.
Letting Al develop many strategies against the many types of Grimm and teaching her how to defeat most common Grimm rather easily.

After eight years of training Auburn declared that he had nothing more to teach to Al, but she was far from perfect.
Knowing Al wanted to improve her abilities Auburn recommended her to visit Beacon, he is confident that she could manage and should use this opportunity.
Al accepted.
With that master and student parted ways.

After gathering her things and saying goodbye to her family, Al headed to beacon.
Beacon Student
Al has been taught how to fight by her mentor Auburn for eight years and with his blessing was admitted directly to Beacon.

Al has limited knowledge of metal work and can perform basic maintenance on her guns and armor by herself.
Semblance Name:
Volcanic Heart
Semblance Description:
Volcanic Heart grants Al a few passive traits.
She usually feels much warmer to touch than other people, which is something that Al cannot control and stays active as long as her aura isn't depleted.
Compared to the average body temperature of 37°C/98°F, Al's average body temperature lies at 45°C/113°F.

Her semblance also grants her a high resistance to damage from outside sources of heat.
While this means that Al can safely walk through her own flames, overusing her semblance still has its effect on her body, slowly causing it to overheat the more of her flames she spews, this means that Al will drain her own stamina rather quickly during fights.

The main highlight of her semblance is however that Al can perform pyromancy.
Al can generate flames from her body by consuming Aura.
Al can use any of her limbs and mouth to generate flames, she could potentially release flames from other body parts but has not practiced doing so, with the exception of one certain ability. She does not need to perform any hand movements to control her fires, but prefers doing so.
Her semblance also lets her control fire that's in her line of sight.
Which luckily does include extinguishing it too.

Al can perform a large variety of feats, from spewing fire to throwing fireballs, she can almost do it all.
Her favorite way to use it, is to set herself on fire for intimidation and making it hard for Grimm or other melee fighters to attack her, as they could get burned.
Al has also learned to cause explosions using her semblance, by releasing a highly concentrated burst of fire she causes the surrounding air to go volatile and cause a shockwave, these explosions are entirely harmless to Al only pushing her back, but could burn others who are hit by them, which Al uses to her advantage.

The bigger the flames that Al creates are, the harder it is for her to keep focus on them, which limits their range.
A flamethrower like stream could probably travel about 3-5 meters, while a single football sized fireball could travel for as long as Al can see it, Al can push her limits further than this but it would be very exhausting.

Her power is rather limited, as longer use is not possible due to her semblance quite literally burning through her Aura.
Usually, Al can maintain constant use of her Semblance for 2-3 minutes at a medium output before she risks depleting her Aura and has to fall back to using her weapons.
It also requires focus to maintain longer lasting effects, like a firewall or her flame armor, if something were to make her lose focus, Al might drop any existing instances of her fire.
Fires she started using her semblance, like a campfire or grill do not consume aura as they have other fuel to consume.

The flames of Al's Semblance are normally orange much like her Aura but when she is really pushing herself and turns up the heat her flames will turn blue, this change in color is involuntary and Al cannot control it.
With her flames becoming blue they reach high enough temperatures that water based substances evaporate on contact
Al's attack potency shoots through the roof, yet so does the strain on her and her aura.
As Al goes from the afformentioned 2-3 minute window, down to 30 seconds of being able to use her semblance.
An additional downside is that after these 30 seconds are over Al is at risk of passing out due to dehydration as the heat of her own flames is stronger than her resistance to it.
Weapon Name:
Arcum and Gladio
Weapon Description:
A revolver and hand axe in one.
Her weapons are able to transform between blade and gun form, allowing Al to either dual wield revolvers or hand axes.

A 9 mm silver western style revolver with a black leather grip and 8 shots in one magazine.
A few hinges and cogs show the transforming capability of this weapon.

Effective at medium and short range, able to penetrate light armor but shows little effect against heavier armor and at long range.

Al seems quite good at handling this weapon's recoil, but does need to use two hands for more precise shots.
The gun is also entirely heatproof, preventing Al's semblance from setting off any unplanned shots.

Upon pressing a button at the side of the grip, Armis will transform into:

A simple one-handed battleaxe, parts of Armis are still visible, as the barrel of Armis folds apart, becoming the head and blade of the axe, as the guns grip straightens and becomes the axe handle.

Al is quite skilled in wielding both weapons, but she much prefers the axe form over the gun though, and as such will use Gladio more during a fight.

Al will sometimes concentrate her fire on the blade of Gladio to inflict more damage, as concentrating her flames into one single point can allow Gladio to melt through an opponent's defense and inflict massive internal damage against any Grimm she fights using it.

While in axe form Al's weapons can't fire bullets, the trigger is still present though and allows for any dust shells, loaded in the magazine, to channel their effect into Gladio's blade.

Coming from a small town where dust is rare Al has little expiernce in using it, but with her stay at Beacon she has started experimenting with certain types of dust for Armis.
Her most commonly used form of dust is lightning dust as a way to punish enemies trying to use water to lessen the impact of her flames.
Other Gear:
The pocket at her hips is where Al usually keeps her equipment, such as maps, her scroll or small amounts of rations.
Equipment inside this pocket may vary, but something that Al always carries around is a few pieces of ice dust, to cool herself down after a fight.

The other pocket at her thighs is where Al keeps ammo for Arcum.
Including some dust infused ammo.
Fighting Style:
Neither Al's semblance nor weaponry allow for reliable long range options.
So Al will usually be the one to try and close the distance between her and her target, to do so Al relies on her speed, the versatility of her semblance and the environment to dodge attacks, Al is very nimble and will often close the gap in no time at all.
If need be, Al can use her semblance to "Blast Jump" by launching herself in the desired direction using a point-blank explosion on herself or simply creating flames that are strong enough to act as thrusters.

Once she has closed the gap, she will try to quickly overwhelm her foe with attacks from her weapons and semblance.
Al is not made for a war of attrition, and as such prefers to overwhelm her foes with her oppressive offensive capabilities.

She likes to weave and mix her semblance into her weapon attacks, such as making an enemy block a hit from Gladio and then breathing fire into their exposed face.

Or shooting from mid-range using Arcum while also making it harder to dodge her bullets by blocking an enemies dodge options by throwing a fireball in their path.

On the defensive, Al will weave and bounce around her opponent, frequently relying on her good hearing to sense incoming attacks, while she looks around her environment to see what she can use as vantage points or defensive options.
If she's really feeling the pressure, Al will use her semblance to either coat herself in a mantle of flames or cause an explosion to force her opponent to disengage.
Al finds it easy to adjust to new situations and can quickly figure out how to make the best of each one.
She tries her best to get along with most people.
Al is cheerful and usually lights up most situations, or at least tries to.

Due to her semblance, Al is also a very good cook, at least when it comes to preparing meat.
You'd be hard-pressed to find a student better suited to handle the grill at a party.

Al is very agile, she has great stamina and can run for long periods of time even when wearing her gear.

She's dexterous enough to dodge and weave around most attacks, climb most surfaces rather easily, and she's very light on her feet, despite typically wearing armor and heavy boots.
Her dexterity also shows in the way she handles her weapons, performing many rapid and precise strikes with her blades or performing quick reloads with her revolver and having a tendency to stylishly spin the latter.

While she can't take many hit's, Al is easily able to ignore pain, even after the adrenaline in her body has worn off, so most wounds will only slightly slow her down if at all.

Due to her faunus heritage, Al has an excellent sense of hearing, being able to pinpoint the origin of most sounds she can hear.
Al has a hard time dealing with, social stress and peer pressure, she usually tries to avoid either as she crumbles when faced with them, it's not a good idea to put her on the spot.

During fights Al is prone to overestimating herself and not considering some options her opponent could go for, being aware of this weakness has not made it any less frustrating and is one of Al's major pet peeves, she's trying her best to fix this, but it's a slow process.

Al lacks experience when it comes to fighting with a team, she only ever fought alongside her Mentor, and even that was rare, her semblance's nature further complicates this.

Due to her small stature, even with all her strength, Al simply lacks the weight and size to make good use of it, outside of swinging her weapons. As such Al will avoid being grappled as she's most likely to loose to any opponent bigger than her without help.

Al also struggles with taking hits, specially since her semblance puts a lot of stress on her aura, so her shield will rarely ever be at enough capacity to take strong blows.

Her great sense of hearing also comes with the downside that she's prone to sound based attacks or shrill sounds, throwing off her focus or actively hurting her.

Due to one of her eyes being blinded, she has bad depth perception, so she might not be the most accurate when launching her attacks from further away or just trying to perceive her surroundings by sight.
Her mask does not make this any better.
- her meat based diet
- the outside
- quiet places
- relaxing after a hard day's work
- training/sparring/fighting
- summer
- calm music
- showing of her semblance
- vegetable nonsense
- being cooped up
- loud noises
- people bothering her about her mask
- being likened to a dog due to her heritage, even if it's affectionate
- headphones
- winter (cold climate in general)
- Griffon and other bird like Grimm especially
Fun Facts:
Al is a taste extremist, her food has to be the heartiest, sweetest or spiciest version it could be, mild tasting food flies under her radar.

Al's Alias, Isegrim, is taken from old German fairy tales, combining the words Ise (Eisen = Iron) and grim (Grimmig = Grim), meaning Al's moniker roughly translate to Irongrim, fitting due to Al's preference for metal armor and her masks grim visage.

In universe, Al's mentor, Auburn, read the old fairy tales when he was a child and is now using the nickname to poke fun at Al's short size and how unintimidating she is.

Despite this, Al later on, when she becomes a full-fledged huntress, takes on the Alias as a means to remember and honor her mentor as well as to have a bit of a cooler name than Al.

Contact Al Ciendra

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