Viewing profile - Carmine Crest

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Carmine Crest
July 4th
Gender Identity:
Vale (unnamed settlement)
Character Picture:
Personal Emblem Image:
125 lbs.
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
Due to the nature of his fighting style, Carmine prioritizes agility over strength and as such, his muscles are relatively small for the amount of work he puts in but they're quite solid and well defined. However from the middle of his right bicep, toward the chest bone and finally upward to the right temple is the discoloured burn scar tissue.

Although some of the burn scar alongside the upper right of his face has been covered with his chocolate coloured hair that is usually a mess and flows down to the top of his shoulder blades. However due to his scar tissue his dreams of growing a proper beard is dead in the water and instead he has settled on keeping a small goatee that barely seems to go past his chin.
Outfit Description:
Carmine wears a big trench coat with an equally big hood that he usually wears despite the warmer weather, while underneath his jacket he wears a muddy yellow turtle neck sweater and a pair of blue jeans. Although to finish off his style he wears a pair of plain black boots and a pair of black cotton gloves.

However the thing Carmine is rarely seen without is his resin white blank mask, the thing only having two eyes holes but it's otherwise just a smooth surface that covers his entire face when worn.
Personality Description:
Carmine's main philosophy in life is to simply survive no matter the cost and as such it gives him a gray moral compass that focuses purely on his own life. This has lead to him becoming a loner and unable to trust or even interact with other people however it has also instilled him with determination for whatever his goal is.

However underneath his drive to survive is actually just a guilt ridden guy with a deep fear of losing everything again. He clings onto his survival philosophy because he feels that is the only way to justify his continued survival and he actually is quite selfless and kind in the rare moments he can let his guard down, he'd be willing to give somebody his shirt off his own back at the end of the day.
Backstory Highlights:
Born to Maria and Cadel Crest, Carmine grew up with his younger sister, Mauve Crest in a modest settlement for the majority of his early life. It wasn't until his 11th birthday that things changed with an unknown fire starting at his family home that took his family's lives and left Carmine scarred.

The scars lead to Carmine being bullied and ostracized from the settlement which eventually drove Carmine to fleeing to the main city of Vale at the age of 13.

While in Vale, Carmine created his first mask to hide himself away from the stares of strangers and turned his sights to Beacon Academy, the place his father studied.

The road to Beacon was messy as he did many things to ensure himself a spot within one of Vale's gym and personal training from a retired huntsmen but within a year he had managed to secure himself a spot in Pharos Academy.

It didn't get easier however, he was one of the weaker students in his early years but through hard work and his training, he managed to improve throughout his time there. It was thanks to his hard work that he managed to unlock his semblance during his third year and allowed him to perfect his out-boxing style.

Now that he has graduated from Pharos, he takes his next step in keeping the Crest memory alive and well by applying to Beacon Academy.
Carmine initially learned to brawl by getting into fights with various kids on the streets of Vale and his settlement, however due to his training with a personal trainer, Carmine has since learned how to be an effective out-boxer. The vast majority of his skills however came from Pharos Academy during his time there.
Semblance Name:
Crisis Control
Semblance Description:
When activating his semblance, Carmine's perception of time slows down by half, giving him more time to react or think should he need it however this only lasts for a minute before his eyes begin to hurt and his vision becomes blurred. Should he feel the need to push himself, he can force his semblance to remain active for twice as long however doing so will effectively make him see double for the next 2 hours.

In order to prevent his eyes from straining too quickly, Carmine tends to activate his semblance in 10 seconds bursts although since his eyes need at least a hour of rest before they're fully rested, this rarely amounts to anything.

Although it should be noted that with training it could be possible for Carmine to extend the usage of his semblance without straining his eyes as he currently does. However the drain on his aura would ultimately prove to be his biggest threat as his aura falls at a low but steady rate.

In terms of draw backs, beyond the time limit before his eyes begin to strain themselves is that this does nothing for attacks he can't see or even hope to match in speed, meaning he may be capable of seeing a fist fly toward his face but his body may be too slow to even do anything about it.
Weapon Name:
Cadel and Maria
Weapon Image:
Weapon Description:
Cadel and Maria takes on the outward appearance in a pair of a rather large pair of harden steel brass knuckles with various pieces of the metal being indented slightly to Cadel and Maria to shift into it's ranged mode which is done through the flick of a switch placed on the upper back of the handles. The only note worthy thing appearance-wise aside from it's size is Carmine's emblem being placed within the middle of the handle.

In it's melee mode, Cadel and Maria maintains their rather plain brass knuckles appearance with the only exception being the very front of the knuckles, those instead are slightly smaller than the rest of the weapon to allow it slide back a small amount. This actives the springs within to force the hidden blade within to emerge from a decent sized hole placed directly in the middle of the middle and ring finger's knuckles.

In it's ranged mode, Cadel and Maria transforms to allow a iron sights to appear along the top of the brass knuckles with the nuzzle appearing from the front of the brass knuckles. The trigger for the weapon pops out near the index finger hole and a slot opens underneath to allow a clip to be loaded into the weapon.

While it's ranged mode, Cadel and Maria act as a rather simple pair of Uzi Submachine Guns, firing 9mm bullets with a fire rate of 600 rounds per minute.
Fighting Style:
Despite Carmine's lacking strength, he is melee fighter first and foremost, focusing on entering the enemy's guard to prevent them from utilizing their weapon's melee forms effectively and from there he uses his lanky frame's reach to stay out of their effective punching range as well. Once he figures out the best distance to maintain, Carmine adopts his out-boxer training to avoid taking damage and striking quickly and efficiently at any openings he can spot.

When he is forced to start a fight from afar, he focuses on laying down cover fire while he advances quickly, relying for the enemy to be to focused on defense or evasion to return fire or force him to abort his charge against his target.

However his strategy against grimm is one completely different due to his size, instead he relies on his environment more than his weaker weapons and strength, either taking the high ground or putting obstacles between himself and the grimm while pelting the creature with his bullets.

If he is forced to fight up close against a grimm, he often keeps Maria in it's ranged mode while using Cadel in it's melee mode to punish any movements toward himself and following it up with Maria's bullets.

As for how his semblance factors into his combat style, he considers it a get out of jail card if things begin to get too chaotic in the battlefield or if the enemy is moving faster than himself to allow his natural reaction time to counter it.
Perceptive, determined, empathic, kind and protective.

All traits easily applied to Carmine if one were to look out for them, these things are hard to see because he has trouble expressing them but he considers them his strongest points, especially his perceptiveness because it has kept him safe from trouble numerous times.

Reflexes, agility, trained, stamina and perceptive.

Thanks to his training as an out-boxer, Carmine has extremely good reflexes and reaction time and could spot any openings or even read an enemies' movement to prepare to dodge before they even swing. His own conditioning is focused on stamina and as such he could maintain his style for a long while and eventually wear an enemy down before delivering a well place punch to finish them off.
Untrusting, secretive, violent and loner.

His more dominate traits, Carmine rarely speak about anything let alone himself and instead prefers to be alone and do things alone. While he can control his temper well, when he loses his temper he is often quick to turn to violence against whoever pisses him off regardless of their own strength.

Strength, speed, multiple opponents or long ranged attacks.

Carmine's focus as an out-boxer has left him handicapped against certain things, the biggest is both longer ranged weapons and numbers. His close ranged focus on wearing people down isn't quite so effective when someone refuses to get close or there's more than one person he has to watch, dodge and wear down.

As niche as it is, another weakness is those faster than him when it comes to combat, either it be overwhelming his defense with the number of punches or moving so fast that he can't move out of the way fast enough. Another is to simply restrict his movement so he has to rely on his own strength, either it be grappling or cornering him.
Carmine greatly enjoys spending time by himself, finding time with others to be draining mentally. While alone he tends to grab himself a nice cup of golden flower tea and simply sit by the window and watch the clouds go by, although he much prefers it when it's raining rather than cloudy.

Whenever he isn't relaxing however, he can be found training or more simply, just wandering around random places. He doesn't train as much as he used to but he still engages in his fair share of training to ensure he's in good shape both physically and skill wise. As for his wandering, he enjoys looking out for interesting people and wondering what their life was like to bring them to their current place and what they are currently setting out to do.
Despite his self proclaimed ability to read people, Carmine dislikes spending time with others as he spends most of his time conversing on thinking about what to say, his own natural social skills being eroded over time due to not really using them. He also can't stand the thought of eating caramel, the strange syrupy sweet being far too... slimy for his tastes.

He also strongly hates when people attempt to remove his mask or ask about it, yet even that hate is nothing compared to people who found about his burns and use it to hurt him or even pity him, he much rather be treated as just another person or even as a nobody than someone to "fix" or an easy target.
Fun Facts:
Carmine has a deep fear of uncontrolled fires, enough so to unnerve him and gives him phantom pains over the scars.
Recent Events:
-Met Bastion, Fuchsia and Citrine. Only liked Bastion.
-Met Bartok and Al. Tolerates them both.
-Met Melina, he feels he made his first friend in Beacon.

Contact Carmine Crest

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