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Citrine Locke
Dec 13th
Gender Identity:
Beacon Academy Dorms
Character Picture:
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Neon Green
Physical Description:
Citrine is a human girl of average height, standing at exactly 5’5 flatfooted. She sports a rectangular figure with a mesomorphic build; her body is well toned, displaying visible muscle. She isn’t exaggeratedly ripped, but it is clear that she works out often and can pack a solid punch. Her skin is very pale with warm undertones, and clear of blemishes; she can burn easily, but any sunburns will eventually fade to a nice tan. The majority of her skin is soft to the touch, though her hands are more calloused. Citrine’s face is slim and sharply angled, with a harshly defined jawline and high, prominent cheekbones. Her facial features follow the sharp, angled trend; her lips are thin, her nose is small, straight, and pointed, and her eyes are a greenish gold color—fitting with her name— though they can appear more green or more gold depending on the lighting. Her eyes are upturned and, while technically classified as ‘almond’, are closer to a parallelogram in shape. All in all, the combination of her angled face and sharp features gives her a mischievous, fox-like appearance. Citrine’s hair is stark white in color, and long; it reaches all the way down her back, and it quite thick. Her hair naturally holds a slight wave, she may straighten or curl it at times, but this is not very common. Her hair is usually worn in a high ponytail to keep it out of her face, though this effort is somewhat contradicted by the existence of her bangs. Citrine has thick, choppy, messy bangs that unevenly frame her face, it almost looks as though she cut them herself with plastic scissors. In the dark. Which is, in fact, true. Citrine wears minimal makeup, opting for a more natural look. She does, however, rim her eyes with dark eyeliner, and may add some extra flare with some silver or sparkly green eyeshadow, though that is not as common.
Outfit Description:
Citrine has two primary styles of outfits, one which she is more likely to wear on a casual basis, and one that she is more likely to wear into combat, though both styles of outfits can be used in either setting.

Citrine's more casual outfit has a black, white, and green, and blue color pallet. Her shirt is comprised of a simple white t shirt, over which is a thin, white button down with 3/4 sleeves, which she wears open. Both shirts are tucked into a pleated skater skirt, which is navy blue in color with a plaid pattern in blue and white. Beneath her skirt she wears a pair of black tights, and her feet are adorned with a pair of navy blue ankle boots with a neon green sole and a small heel.

The common outfit for Citrine to wear is more geared towards combat and the use of Ex-Machina. Citrine ditches her button down, opting for just her white t shirt, which she wears untucked. Her skirt and tights are swapped out for a pair of baggy grey jeans, and she switches her small ankle boots for a pair of thick soled, black combat boots that reach halfway up her calf.

Over everything, both in and out of combat, Citrine wears a long, black trench coat with a bright, neon green interior, silver buttons, and a large hood. The coat is made of a slick, water resistant material. As well, the coat has been woven with both ice and fire dust to act as a temperature controlled environment, being able to cool or heat Citrine as needed, to help her perform her best without having to worry about the environment she's fighting in. The sleeves of the coat are somewhat puffy, yet are cinched at the wrists, like a bomber jacket; there are silver zippers along the outside of the forearms of her sleeves, which can be unzipped to create a split in the sleeves. The jacket is decorated with lime green straps in Y patterns on the shoulders, and braided vertically on her chest near the line of buttons. There is white writing along the sleeves and hood of the jacket, and her emblem is emblazoned in white on her shoulders. The jacket is equipped with a menagerie of pockets, which Citrine uses to store dust.

In terms of accessories, Citrine has several. For starters, she can always be seen with a set of green goggles either over her eyes or resting pushed up on her head. She uses her goggles to shield her eyes against wind while riding Ex-Machina, and is never seen without them. Another common accessory is her pair of black and green wireless headphones around her neck. She is a musically inclined person, and likes to have her headphones on her at all times. She has two belts of ammo, one around her waist and another across her chest. The belt around her waist holds dust crystals for Ex-Machina alongside her regular ammo. She can often be seen with a pair of black leather gloves, which give her a better grip. The gloves have a small, triangular gap cut out on the backs of her hands, and leave her thumbs bare. There are green straps that wrap diagonally across the back of her hand and around her thumb. She can often be seen with either a lollipop or cigarette in her mouth.
Personality Description:
First and foremost, Citrine is a very social, extroverted person. She loves meeting new people, and often values quantity over quality when it comes to people, preferring to be around a lot of mediocre people rather than a few great people. She tries to be inviting and social with everyone she meets, so as to increase her chances of being liked and thus making more friends. She is a very vocal person, preferring to speak her mind and stand up for what she believes in. She is very assertive in her beliefs and will not hesitate to defend herself and her ideas at all costs. She seems to have a very high amount of energy, being almost always awake, alert, and active. She likes to take initiative in situations, preferring action over strategy, to the point that if she feels people are taking too ling contemplating a decision, she may step in and make a decision for them to hurry the process along, as she is also a notably impatient person.

She is easily excited, and seems to feel emotions at a very strong level, being quick to jump from simple happiness to bordering euphoria, or from sad to being deeply upset. While she doesn't have a very strong temper, she is quick to grow frustrated over things not working out as they should. However she is by no means aggressive or violent, and her anger is rarely directed at people and rarely very strong, it's more like being easily irritable. She may get snappy or overly sarcastic when irritated, but otherwise won't really lash out at anyone. When frustrated, she may turn blind to any positives in a situation, holding an opinion such as "it would be useless to keep trying, it's never going to work anyways."

Being a major thrill seeker, Citrine can be expected to pick the course of action that will bring the highest excitement and the largest adrenaline rush, even if it is incredibly dangerous. On top of that, Citrine is an incredibly reckless and impulsive person, as she tends to take the path of whatever will be a better story to tell later on, without thinking of the consequences. She has a hard time thinking before she acts, and often seems to forget that her actions may have effects on other people.

Just because Citrine is overtly social doesn't mean she is the most pleasant person to be around. Citrine is a prankster at heart, nothing brings her more joy than causing mayhem. While her pranks are never violent or inherently dangerous—as she mostly aims to annoy, confuse, or inconvenience people—she has been known to take things too far at times. She may come across as somewhat selfish at times, as she is used to having to prioritize her own survival over everything else. This isn't to say she's narcissistic or looks down on others, she is simply used to having to look out for herself before caring for others. She can be self-aggrandizing at times, as she may play up her own stunts or achievements to make people like her more or to make herself seem cooler. This is done, in part, as a way to hide some of her own insecurities, as she believes she can just fake it until she makes it, so to speak. In a further aspect of her not-so-pleasant side, Citrine can be rather disobedient, especially in the face of authority. She harbors a strong distaste for authority, and often comes across as rude or mocking, or at the very least indifferent and uncooperative, to figures of authority. She is strongly opposed to being told what to do by figures of authority, but is willing to listen to those she feels are on an equal level as her.

As previously mentioned, Citrine does have her own fair share of insecurities. While she does her best to hide her insecurities, they may become more apparent when around people she finds romantically attractive. Despite being of average height, she is still somewhat self conscious about her height, wishing she were taller; she does have a bit of a complex regarding her height, and can commonly be found trying to elevate herself in someway or otherwise make herself feel taller, such as sitting on the back of a sofa instead of down on the seat, or standing on chairs when talking to people.

Being hyperactive, her mind is always whirring with activity. This can lead to her being quite forgetful at times, as she will often find something new and shiny to focus on and forget whatever she was previously supposed to remember. She seems to have 100 different trains of thought running at the same time, all in different directions at different speeds, and thus may find it hard to hold on to certain information. That being said, if she has her heart set on a task she can become quite determined to fulfill it. She may let herself get completely enveloped by the task, focusing on nothing else besides it. If something is important to her, it will firmly plant itself in her memory.
Backstory Highlights:
In a small town near Vacuo, a girl by the name of Eirawen Glass was born. The product of a casual summer fling, Eirawen was an unexpected, and unwanted, child. Unable to bring herself to terminate the pregnancy, Violetta Glass instead opted to give her daughter up for adoption. Thus, as an infant, Eirawen wound up as a foster child. The desert town wasn’t much to look at, with barely more than a few hundred residents to speak of. Not wanting to live in such close vicinity to a child she had abandoned, Violetta turned her child over to an orphanage in the city of Vacuo.

The orphanage was not a very pleasant place, due mainly to the number of kids it held; it was constantly short staffed and overpopulated, making the spread of both resources and attention hard. Citrine shared a single bed with at least one other girl often. On top of it all, the staff of the orphanage were rather strict, they had to be in order to maintain any semblance of control over such a large group of kids with such a large variation of ages. Their strictness, especially with the admittedly old-school styles of punishments they would give to those who misbehaved, were the roots from which Eirawen’s issues with authority would blossom.

Eirawen spent the majority of her life in the orphanage. She bounced between foster homes several times, running away several times, but was always ultimately sent back due to her rowdy, trouble maker behaviour. This only furthered Eirawen’s hatred for adults and figures of authority, as she felt unwanted by them. This included a steadily building hatred towards her birth mother. For as long as she had been able to comprehend her situation in life, she had been angry at Violetta for abandoning her. She wanted nothing to do with Violetta, including any indication that she was related to her in any way. Because of this, Eirawen shed her birth name, renaming herself Citrine; this name came in part from the color of her eyes, which she thought matched the gemstone, as well as she simply liked the way the name sounded. However, she couldn’t rid herself of her last name unless she were to be adopted by someone. This desire to be completely free of her birth mother only fueled Citrine’s desire to be adopted.

It took many years, but, at 13 Citrine’s wish finally came true. By then, Citrine had given up on being adopted, or even fostered; people wanted little kids, not teenagers. But salvation came in the form of a peppy, pink haired girl by the name of Rosalie Locke. Rosalie was the same age as Citrine, and the only child of a widowed auto mechanic named Asher. Rosalie’s mother had passed away a few years prior, and, while Asher was unwilling to remarry, both the Locke’s felt their home was a little empty with just the two of them. Thus, Rosalie, who had always wanted a sibling, brought up the idea of fostering a child, who could hopefully make their lives a little more vibrant and full. The Locke’s intended to foster one of the younger children, but, while waiting for her father, Rosalie struck up a conversation with Citrine. It didn’t take long for the two to click, and Rosalie decided she would prefer to foster Citrine over any other child offered. After some pestering, Asher agreed.

Citrine moved in with the Locke’s, and, for once, finally felt welcome. Her high energy levels could be channeled into joining Rosalie in combat training—ever since her mother had been killed by Grimm, Rosalie had aspired to become a huntress and avenge her; it wasn’t hard to convince Citrine to learn alongside her. Her pranks and otherwise “troublesome” behaviour weren’t viewed in as bad a light as they usually were. Her tendency to tinker and fidget with things could be put to use in Asher’s workshop. It helped that her and Rosalie got along like a house on fire, and Asher, who just wanted to make his daughter happy, was more open and lenient in response to Citrine’s shenanigans, as he didn’t want to hurt Rosalie by sending Citrine away.

Around the time of Citrine’s 14th birthday, Citrine let slip that she had never celebrated her birthday before. Devastated that her newly found best friend had never had a proper birthday celebration, Rosalie was determined to do something extravagant, she went to her father with a special request, a present to make up for all the presentless years. The present in question was a bike. A sleek, black and green motorcycle with a variety of fancy functions, from dust use to weaponry. Citrine was ecstatic over the bike, and dubbed it Ex-Machina due to the way it could be summoned via her scroll. That wasn’t the only life altering present Citrine received. Unbeknownst to both Rosalie and Citrine, Asher had gotten the paperwork to properly, officially, adopt Citrine, all that was needed was her approval. Citrine agreed without hesitation.

Finally, she was free. Free of the system, free of her birth mother’s last name. She could be Citrine Locke, finally free.

From that moment forward, it seemed her life was perfect. She officially had a new family she loved, she owned what had to be the coolest vehicle the streets of Vacuo had ever seen, and she was making significant strides in her combat abilities. Due to her love for her bike, Citrine ended up adopting Ex-Machina into her fighting style, riding cavalry while fighting with the machine gun/sword combo that she had fashioned in combat school. She and Rosalie had plans to get all the way to Beacon together; Rosalie was still aiming to avenge her mother and hopefully keep other kids from experiencing a similar tragedy, Citrine has a much less nobel reasoning: she just wanted to go wherever Rosalie went, and she enjoyed combat too!

For a few years, everything was perfect. But, as anyone knows, perfect never lasts.

In their final year of primary combat school, both girls had already been accepted into Beacon, Rosalie with flying colors and Citrine barely scraping in due to her tendency to ignore directions and commands. Regardless, they both had a bright future ahead of them, until tragedy struck, as it always seems to do. In a chaperoned “field mission” at the end of the year, another student’s semblance—a sort of sonic blast—disturbed a nest of Blind Worms that the group had been naively unaware of. The sudden swarm of Grimm proved difficult for the class to handle, even with their instructor present. Rosalie was among the three students who lost their lives in the attack. It was a stroke of pure bad luck, she was going in for a kill when her weapon jammed, and she was left defenseless.

Citrine was understandably distraught, she nearly dropped out of combat school all together. The only thing that kept her going was the thought of Rosalie. Beacon Academy, becoming a huntress, that had always been Rosalie’s aspiration, Citrine had just been going along with her for the ride. But now she had a better purpose. She needed to go to Beacon in the fall, she needed to become a huntress, for both of them. There was no better way to honor her sister, she thought, than following through with what they had planned to do together. Thus, Citrine ended up traveling to Beacon come the following year.

As of currently, Citrine resides in Beacon Academy. She is still mourning Rosalie's death, but had been able to cope enough that she can effectively and convincingly hide her mourning from everyone. Some of her energetic, excitable attitude is an overcompensation for the grief she still feels, a way to fake her happiness until she makes it, and a way to make sure no one questions her about her grief. She is using Rosalie to fuel her desire to become a huntress; she feels that if she can't achieve this, then Rosalie must have meant nothing to her. And she doesn't want Rosalie to mean nothing. She may not have the best academic performance, and she may be a trouble maker, but she is still trying her best to succeed in graduating Beacon and becoming a huntress so she can honor her sister.
Citrine was trained at a primary combat school in Vacuo from the age of 13. She also had some experience with street fighting from the times she had run away from foster homes. Due to her house being set near the outskirts of the kingdom, Citrine could also get some practice fighting the smaller Grimm that came close to the city limits.
Semblance Name:
Semblance Description:
Glitch is a teleportation semblance, allowing for Citrine to move from place to place in an instant. Upon Glitching, Citrine will appear to flash out of existence akin to an old tv screen turning off or of a video glitching and pixelating. To Citrine, Glitching sounds like a brief crackle of static, again, like an old tv shutting off or briefly tuning into a dead station. The sound only lasts for a second as she abruptly appears in a different place. To Citrine, it feels less like she's moving and more like she's “scrunching up space to move farther.” Citrine is also capable of Glitching other objects to her hands. When this occurs, the same flashing, green, glitching effect occurs. The object appears to wink out of existence, and then reappear in Citrine's hands. Citrine describes this as feeling as though she is just “picking up the object from a distance,” rather than summoning the object to her hand.

Citrine is capable of summoning Ex-Machina with her semblance, which she may do if she ever encounters an opponent when without her precious bike. Ex-Machina Glitching looks somewhat different from other objects Glitching, though that is mainly due to the size and complexity of the bike in comparison to the other objects Citrine may Glitch. When Ex-Machina Glitches, it doesn't just wink into existence like other objects, it materializes out of green, pixilated light. This only takes a quick second, but is still longer than the instant flash of other objects. Unlike other objects, which have to be within Citrine's line of site to be Glitched to her, Ex-Machina can be summoned from wherever. This is due to Citrine having such a close bond with her bike that she had been able to infuse part of her aura in it, so it's less like she's summoning an object and more like she's just reuniting the infused part of her aura with the rest of her aura; it's bringing two pieces of a whole together.

Citrine commonly uses her semblance in tandem with her cavalry-like combat methods. While riding around her opponent on Ex-Machina, she will also Glitch about the area, making it even harder to hit her and even harder for her opponent to know where she'll attack from next. Another common use of Citrine's Glitching is to avoid attacks. If she is facing an attack she can't block, she may Glitch away to dodge the attack. She may also dodge arrows, throwing knives, and other projectiles in this way, or in a similar manner in which she Glitches the projectile to her so that she may catch it and keep it from hitting her.

When it comes to Glitching herself, Citrine can only Glitch to places she can see, and can only glitch up to a 50 yard radius. Naturally, the farther she’s trying to glitch the harder it is. She can Glitch rapidly and repeatedly when Glitching short distances, but it is much harder for her to Glitch multiple times when jumping long distances, and she will need more time to cool down. Glitching her maximum distance uses up enough of her aura that she can only Glitch that far about two or three times—even with breaks in between—before she will need significant time for her aura to recharge. She cannot repeatedly Glitch her maximum distance rapidly the way she does with short distances, she needs at least a few minutes in between to recollect herself.

Glitching does not negate momentum. This means that, if she is falling and Glitches to the ground, she won't be able to just appear on the ground, she will still feel impact against the ground as though landing on it. That being said, Glitching soon into her fall will lessen momentum as she won't have had a chance to build up as much momentum from falling. This also means that, while catching arrows or knives is fairly harmless with her semblance, catching bullets is impossible, as the bullet will still be moving at a fast momentum and thus she would not be able to keep it from piercing—or at the very least leaving—her hand.

When it comes to Glitching other objects, Citrine, as of currently, cannot Glitch objects that she wouldn't be able to comfortable hold in one hand. So things that are particularly heavy or bulky that would not be easy to hold one handed cannot be Glitched. So, for example, a one handed sword could be Glitched, but an encyclopedia could not be. The exception to this is her bike, the reason for which is explained above. Furthermore, she cannot glitch objects that other people are currently in possession of, e.g. holding, wearing, using. This is because she cannot Glitch other people, and when objects are being held or worn by other people, the object and the person are essentially “tied together,” in that trying to Glitch the object would mean trying to Glitch the person as well, which she is incapable of doing. This is especially true for anyone with an activated aura, as the person’s aura acts as another layer of protection against Citrine’s ability to Glitch an object: an object being worn/held/in contact with a person is too close to that person’s aura for Citrine’s semblance to affect it.

As well, Citrine, when glitching objects, can only, as of currently, Glitch objects to her. She cannot Glitch objects away from her or Glitch them to a random other location. In time she will learn to do this, but as of currently she cannot. Glitching her bike takes much more effort than Glitching other objects to her, and Citrine doesn’t Glitch her bike to her unless absolutely necessary. When Glitching herself, the aura cost does not usually count things she's holding or wearing as separate objects (e.g if she Glitched while holding a coffee mug it would still count as just Glitching herself.. However, if she Glitches with her bike, since the object is so big it will take a bit more effort, and she cannot Glitch as far if she is Glitching her bike with her.

A visual reference for Citrine's semblance can be found here:
Weapon Name:
Ex-Machina and Verenium Strýchnos
Weapon Image:
Weapon Description:
Verenium Strýchnos is the more simple of Citrine’s weapons, and is usually just treated as an add-on to Ex-Machina. Citrine doesn’t have much emotional investment in Verenium Strýchnos, and wouldn’t have much difficulty replacing it with a different weapon. Verenium Strýchnos is an AEK-999 machine gun that doubles as a a sword. While the weapon is primarily used as a gun, there is a feature that causes blades to sprout on either side of the barrel, running most of the length of the gun, the shoulder stock serves as a handle for the sword. This allows for Verenium Strýchnos to be used in melee form as well as ranged.

Ex Machina is Citrine’s primary tool in combat, and Citrine’s pride and joy. Ex-Machina is first and foremost a bike. Customized for Citrine and Citrine alone, Ex-Machina is a sleek, black and green motorcycle built as somewhat of a mix between a few different types of motorcycles*. The overall body of the bike is shaped more similarly to that of a sports bike, along with sharing a similar seating position, windshield, and overall streamline design. However, Ex-Machina, technically, isn’t a bike, given that the bike technically has four wheels instead of two, though under most circumstances they act as only two double-wide wheels. The individual wheels are larger than wheels used in sports motorcycles, as they are meant for rough terrain, making the double wheel sets more than twice as thick as regular wheels. In general, Ex-Machina is on the larger side for a bike. Being built for combat, especially given its internal workings and additional features, it isn’t exactly a delicate vehicle to say the least. That being said, it is also built for speed, and thus, despite being sizeable, is still quite streamline and aerodynamic, but with more bulky, double wheels. The bike, being made for combat, was fashioned from a durable metal, the same material used to make regular huntsmen weapons, so that the bike could withstand regular combat encounters. Seeing as Citrine grew up in Vacuo, Ex-Machina needed to be able to ride off road in sand alongside riding through streets. Thus, ridges and paddles can fold out on the front and back tires respectively to give Ex-Machina the support it needs to driving on unpacked sand dunes.

The color scheme of the vehicle is in line with Citrine’s choice of attire. Its body is a mix of matte and glossy black, and grey; the windshield is tinted like one way glass in a deep navy color, and there are accents of white and green along it, such as a ring of bright green around the edges of the tires, or in between the sets of wheels. The name of the bike is printed in white along the back, left side of the bike, with Citrine’s emblem painted under it in neon green.

The workings of the bike are where things start to get more complex. Ex-Machina is built for speed and durability and has to be rideable over any type of terrain. To ensure this the wheels of the bike have been infused with gravity dust. This makes it much harder for Ex-Machina to flip while riding along rough terrain, as it keeps the wheels firm against the ground; as a bonus, it enables the bike to drive up completely vertical surfaces, and along ceilings and other upside down areas. The seat of Ex-Machina is curved so that it, when driving up vertical surfaces, there is less of a risk of the rider falling off. As well, the foot rests are designed akin to stirrups to more securely keep the rider in place to minimize the risk of them falling off when riding upside down. Citrine uses this feature often, especially to get around traffic when driving around a city, as she will just drive along the sides of buildings until the road is more clear. Another feature of the gravity dust in the wheels is that, when locked—which can be done through Citrine’s scroll alone—Ex-Machina becomes nearly unmovable, as the wheels will adhere firmly to whatever they are parked against. Of course, the machine isn’t entirely unmovable, explosions, strong machines, or other powerful forces can move it, it mainly just ensures that no one will steal the bike, as well as allowing it to park on vertical or upside down surfaces with ease.

The engine of Ex-Machina runs primarily on combustion dust, however, there is a second, back up engine of sorts that is solar powered. This engine serves a single purpose. Ex-Machina can be summoned akin to the way the rocket powered lockers at Beacon can be, Citrine can input coordinates into her phone and the bike will drive itself on autopilot to that location. The purpose of the smaller, solar powered engine is solely that, should Ex-Machina run out of fuel before reaching its destination, the smaller, solar powered engine will kick in to ensure that the bike arrives at where it is supposed to. However, this engine is not nearly as powerful as the bike’s normal engine, and should not be used while actually riding the vehicle, it is strictly for making sure the bike gets to where it needs to be, upon which, supposedly, it can be refueled properly.

While Ex-Machina is primarily used as a mount, that doesn’t stop it from being a weapon in and of itself as well, though the weaponry features are second to its use as a mount. For starters, two panels, one on each side of the bike, can slide back to reveal two rocket launchers of a sort that are extended from the body. They harbor a rotating barrel like a revolver, there are three slots in each rotating barrel, one of which holds a rocket, two of which hold a harpoon/grappling hook. The two rockets, as expected, are used to cause damage to a target, while the harpoons can be shot forward, then retracted, to either pull something closer to Ex-Machine, or pull Ex-Machina closer to whatever is impaled. The launchers can rotate such that the harpoons can be shot backwards as well, allowing Citrine to drag something behind her if need be. The harpoons can be reused, while the rockets, obviously, have to be replaced after combat. Due to Citrine having a very limited supply of rockets, and due to them being hard to replace, her rockets are reserved for emergencies only. Citrine can choose to shoot both launchers at the same time, or only one at once, using triggers mounted on the handles of her bike.

The other combat-based feature of the bike involves the wheels of the vehicle. Remember how there are technically four wheels? These wheels can separate and fold out into propellers of a sort to enable to bike to hover. The bike isn’t capable of flying more than a meter or two in the air; and cannot be directed very well when flying. The feature isn’t perfect, and is used mostly in the case that driving becomes too difficult or impossible, such as through heavy snow or over water.

*((For player reference, the two models are a Kawasaki Ninja H2R and a Lazareth LM 410, with the Ninja being the reference for the general shape, and the Lazareth being the reference for the size, wheels, and hovering technique.))
Fighting Style:
Citrine has a notably unique fighting style. Unlike most huntsman and huntresses, Citrine fights in a cavalry style, using her bike as a mount in combat. Citrine’s primary method of attack involves driving around on Ex-Machina while unleashing a hailstorm of bullets from Verenium Strýchnos. She can also use the sword form of Verenium Strýchnos as a cavalry sword when getting closer to her targets. Citrine’s fighting styles utilizes speed, evasion, and the element of surprise. By using her semblance in tandem with her bike, Citrine can speed and glitch around her opponent, making it much harder for her opponent to get a solid strike at her, and making it harder for her opponent to gauge where her next attack will be coming. Her style is neither specifically offensive or defensive, but more...evasive: she uses to bike to dodge around attacks rather than deflect them, while continuously spraying volleys of bullets from Verenium Strýchnos. When without her bike, Citrine’s fighting style is primarily hand to hand, though to often uses Verenium Strýchnos in melee form as well. She uses the machine gun part of Verenium Strýchnos less often when fighting on her feet.
Social: Citrine is very social and outgoing. This enables her to more easily befriend people, as well as form allies and networks of acquaintances more easily. As well, it makes it easier for her to bond with teammates.

High energy levels: Citrine has a very high abundance of energy, which can be very useful in combat, as well as making it much easier for her to handle day to day life too.

Versatile semblance: Glitch may seem like a simplistic semblance, but, if used creatively, can be quite versatile. This semblance also aids Citrine in combat, giving her the element of surprise with her attacks.

Unique fighting style: Cavalry fightings is significantly less common among huntsmen, this means that Citrine’s opponents won’t be expecting such a style as much, and probably won’t be as prepared to combat such a style.
Strong distaste for authority: Citrine harbors a dislike for figures of authority, and can become quite defensive or stubborn around them. This interferes with her ability to follow orders, as she will be much more resistant to obeying the directions of someone that she feels is above her. She is more willing to cooperate with people that she considers to be of equal level to her.

Impulsive: Citrine is not very good at planning, and often acts impulsively, especially in the heat of battle. This makes it harder for Citrine to function with a team, as she will have a harder time sticking to strategies and will often go off script and do her own thing.

Forgetful: Citrine processes the world at a very fast pace, and doesn’t seem to discriminate between important and unimportant stimuli and information. This makes is harder for her to remember things since her brain is cluttered with a lot of random extra information.

Reliant on Ex-Machina: Citrine’s biggest weakness in combat is her reliance on her bike. She is not as skilled a fighter when fighting on her feet, and always assumes she will have access to her bike, thus she is not well prepared for having to fight without her bike.
Ex-Machina: Ex-Machina is Citrine's pride and joy. She loves taking it for joy rides, and she seems to find a reason to drive it anywhere, even if her destination is close enough to walk. She is constantly making updates and repairs to her bike, and is incredibly protective of it. She won't hesitate to show it off to people, and will find reason to brag about it at any chance she gets.

Pranking people: Pulling pranks seems to be Citrine's favourite pass time. Aside from riding around on Ex-Machina, of course. She finds pranks to be the ultimate form of humor, and loves creating devious little traps and annoy, confuse, or inconvenience people. Her pranks are not meant to cause harm necessarily, just chaos. However, she is the type of person who finds people getting hurt to be funny, so she wouldn't be completely against a little danger. Such as waxing the floors so they're super slippery, or taking the gears out of someone's bicycle so the front wheel falls off.

Rosalie: Rosalie is Citrine's sister and best friend, and the reason Citrine is in Beacon at all. Citrine cares deeply for Rosalie and is still mourning her loss, and uses her memory to fuel her drive to become a huntress. Rosalie was, and still is, Citrine's favourite person in the whole world.

Meeting new people: Citrine is a very social person. She enjoys meeting new people, and loves being in crowded, social environments. She likes to listen to herself talk, and could easily strike up a conversation with absolutely anyone and everyone, even if it's not an appropriate situation to be having a conversation.

Music: Citrine enjoys music. She plays guitar—though not professionally and not extremely well—and can always be seen with a set of black and green headphones. She uses music to hype herself up before combat, or to calm herself down if she's feeling anxious or riled.
Her old name: Citrine wants to distance herself from her biological family as much as possible. She doesn't care for them, and doesn't want anything to do with them. Technically speaking, her name is still legally Eirawen Locke, but she likes to pretend that her old name never existed at all.

Having to sit still: Citrine is a very active, energetic person. She hates having nothing to do, and hates having to sit still for more than a few minutes, she will becomes very restless and antsy, and may start fidgeting or getting up to walk around.

Authority figures: Citrine lived a large portion of her life in a rather strict orphanage, as well as some less than pleasant foster homes. Thus, she has grown to hate figures of authority, as she has had nothing but bad experiences with them. She hates people thinking they're above her, and hates being told what to do by figures of authority.

Planning: Being very impulsive, Citrine believes there's nothing worse in life than having to sit around and come up with a strategy. She would much rather rush into things head on and deal with the results later.

Feeling Short: As previously stated, despite being of average height, Citrine has a bit of a complex regarding her height, and wishes she were taller. She hates being the shortest in the room, and dislikes when she and everyone else have to physically be on an equal level, as she would much prefer to be somewhere elevated so that she can feel taller.
Fun Facts:
(To be filled out)
Recent Events:
None of note.
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Contact Citrine Locke

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"Let's roll out!"