Viewing profile - Citrine Locke
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- Beacon Academy
- ↳ The Ampitheatre
- ↳ Academy Gardens
- ↳ Beacon Tower
- ↳ Combat Training Room
- ↳ Dining Hall
- ↳ The Ballroom
- ↳ The Classrooms
- ↳ The Dorms
- ↳ The Dorm Building
- ↳ The Rooftops
- ↳ Team Dormitories
- ↳ The Quad
- ↳ The Library
- The City of Vale
- ↳ At the Club
- ↳ Downtown Vale Industrial
- ↳ Port Vale
- ↳ The Residential District
- ↳ The Beach
- ↳ Vale Outskirts
- Remnant At Large
- ↳ The Emerald Forest
- ↳ The Forever Fall Forest
- ↳ The Island of Patch
- ↳ Patch Residential
- ↳ Signal Academy
- ↳ The Forests
- ↳ Minor Vale Settlements
- ↳ Mountain Glenn
- ↳ Outside of Vale