Viewing profile - Chain Dupp

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Chain Dupp
Mar 8
Gender Identity:
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
Chain is broad-shouldered and limber, with a toned musculature that would probably be bulkier if not for his insistence on eating so much unhealthy food. He keeps his straight black hair cut short, and his ice-blue eyes match his necklace.
Outfit Description:
Chain typically wears a tight black t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and dark navy skinny jeans. His wallet is tied to his pants with a short steel chain, and he wears a small, nearly-depleted Ice Dust crystal that has retained its color as a necklace on a medium-length thin black cord.
Personality Description:
Chain is a very relaxed guy who enjoys being the life of the party, though you’d never guess it from how he dresses. One of his favorite jokes is to pretend to be an edgelord for the first day or so after meeting someone before revealing that he’s actually a bright and cheery individual who enjoys walks in the park, backflips, and large bowls of rainbow sherbet.

He doesn’t talk about his past much because there really isn’t much to tell: his parents are still together, no one in his family died tragically when he was young, he’s the only child, and that’s about it. He did get very good at chess by playing against his father, but beyond that he doesn’t think anything’s all that interesting for others to hear about.
Backstory Highlights:
Chain grew up in downtown Vale. His parents run a moderately-popular oriental restaurant whose yellow curry has a cult following. Growing up in the proverbial lap of luxury, Chain decided to become a Huntsman after learning that a Vacuan exchange student that his family hosted had actually brought everything she owned with her to Vale rather than just the travel package he'd thought she had. His goal is simple: make the world a place where people don't have to worry about Grimm, so they can pursue things like running a restaurant, the way his parents did, and own more than a small suitcase's worth of belongings.
Chain's parents hired a retired Huntsman to serve as a private combat tutor for Chain after he decided to become a Huntsman himself.
Semblance Name:
Edge of Tomorrow
Semblance Description:
Chain’s normally friendly gaze turns hard and cold, holding whom- (or what-) ever he is looking at in place. The effect continues until he breaks eye contact with his subject, whether it be due to having his vision obstructed, changing his focus, or even blinking. The Aura cost of maintaining this effect increases linearly over time, and his Semblance is more effective on things that are small and nearby, as the Aura cost also scales up with size and distance.

Using this ability doesn't actually freeze things in place; rather, it instead only slows them down by an increasing degree the closer they get to his position and the longer he looks at them, until they reach the smallest fraction of their initial momentum within half a meter of him. While Chain could easily shrug off (or dodge) a telegraphed punch, bullets or a surprise blow wouldn't be in view long enough to be slowed down by any significant degree.

Prolonged use of this power causes a strain on his eyes and deprives them of moisture, thus increasing his need to blink, and beings with Aura can expend an amount of their own equal to the amount Chain is using to slow them down to mostly (but not completely) mitigate the effect.
Weapon Name:
Blade of Today
Weapon Description:
Chain’s weapon is a thick, wrought-iron chain with a cast-iron kunai at the end. Each individual link in the chain has been sharpened to have a honed edge, in contrast with the blunt edges of the kunai, whose tip is the only sharp point.

When not in use, he keeps his weapon wound around his waist as a stylish belt-adjacent accessory.
Fighting Style:
Chain’s style emphasizes slinging his weapon around in broad arcs, as his chain is essentially a rope dart. He prefers to keep his enemies at a middling range where he can hit them with his weapon, avoiding close melee while also trying to keep snipers close enough to render them ineffective.
Chain’s ability to get along with just about anyone makes him the perfect choice for a casual friend. He won’t ever bug you to hang out, since he’s just been there in the shadows the whole time anyway.
Chain’s lack of any sort of lasting trauma from his childhood can lead him to be a little too trusting of other people, and his relatively easy childhood has left him unaware of some of the more difficult aspects of life on the lower end of the social hierarchy.
+ bait-and-switch jokes
+ sarcasm
+ rainbow sherbet
+ playing frisbee
+ chess
+ swimming
– anyone who can be entirely described using nothing but a list of tropes
– cheese
– snow
– indecisive people
Recent Events:
Chain isn't one to hog the spotlight - he'd much prefer being everyone else's hype man!

Stay tuned for a list of the things he's helped other people do.
Alternate Characters:
Kailyn Keison
Lauren Voltaire
Sean McCabe
Leonard Uaine
Azoireda Ikteris
Claire Buíocán
Ethan Sagol
Saoirse Luíseach
Hamish Ebony
Raymond Drizton
Ziva Kaplan
Nell Kotsiopoulos
Professor Silas Aronheim

Contact Chain Dupp

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Chain doesn't brood in 8d918d.

You can find EPs for all my characters here.