Viewing profile - Sean McCabe

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Sean McCabe
May 24
Gender Identity:
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
Sean is short, athletic, and rarely sitting down, his rough-cut brown hair kept out of his face mostly because it rarely has time for gravity to pull it in that direction. His eyes match his Aura, and his face seems to be perpetually locked in a lopsided smile.
Outfit Description:
Loose clothes do not an acrobat help - most of Sean's outfits are somewhere between sheer and tight-fitting. He prefers the tight-fitting variety while not performing, as sheer outfits make him a little self-conscious, and he typically pulls on a jacket over his tank top and jeans.
Personality Description:
Cheerful and bursting with energy, Sean has a hard time sitting still. His penchant for acrobatic mayhem and his insatiable curiosity have got him into (and out of) more than his share of trouble, and he hopes that it will continue to do so for quite some time.
Backstory Highlights:
Sean grew up in a caravan of traveling acrobats in Menagerie. The son of a Huntsman and Huntress employed by the caravan for protection and raised in concert by the whole coterie, he grew up learning the ins and outs of the world of acrobatics as well as the dos and don'ts of fighting Grimm.

The troupe of aging performers broke up when he was fifteen, so he and his parents built a house in the countryside and settled down to live the quiet life. He submitted his application to his parents' alma mater, Beacon Academy, when he turned 18, hoping to follow in their footsteps as a successful Huntsman with a team of friends to have his back.
Sean trained with his mother in close combat and his father in the intricacies of strategic thinking while growing up, and began in earnest after the troupe broke up.
Semblance Name:
Journal Bearing
Semblance Description:
When activated, Sean's Semblance alters the frictional coefficient between himself and any object he touches - more friction and he'll be able to push off harder at an angle, less friction and he'll be slowed down less by the contact - allowing him to maximize the speed at which he moves around his environment.

Air resistance being a form of friction, his Semblance does afford him some control over it - though the fact that there are very few atoms in any given volume of air compared to the same volume of a solid surface means that it isn't the same degree of control.

The Aura cost of his Semblance per unit time is relatively low compared to other active Semblances, as it only expends energy while Sean is in contact with the substance he wishes to modify his connection to, but it comes at a higher moment-to-moment cost: using it full-tilt in combat every time he moves would drain his proverbial battery rather quickly.
Weapon Name:
Severance and Per
Weapon Image:
Weapon Description:
Severance is a heavy kukri whose blade is about 9" long, while Per is a heavy, short-handled warhammer with a built-in shotgun: the barrel points directly out the top of the hammer. He is able to throw Severance like a boomerang to attack targets from above using the force of gravity.
Fighting Style:
Sean's time spent as an acrobat influenced his choice of weapon to be something that constant, fluid rotational motion would enhance - a heavy weight on a very short handle. He uses his kukri mostly to parry attacks and counterbalance the weight of the hammer, and uses the built-in shotgun to surprise enemies in close combat. His preferred striking method is to use a somersault to put a full 360-degree rotation behind the weight of the hammer.
Sean's acrobatic training nearly makes up for his height in situations where being tall or having a prehensile tail would be helpful.

Lithe and limber, Sean's flexibility affords him more options than most when it comes to squeezing into tight spaces or scaling obstacles.
Sean's style of remaining constantly in motion in combat means that he isn't able to focus his attention in any one spot for very long, making it easy to distract him with sounds or flashes of light.

Due to his weapons being close-range in nature, Sean lacks the capability to engage targets at longer ranges.
+ pulling pranks
+ learning new things (even though he might not remember all of them later)
+ upbeat music
+ competent engineers
- oranges, peanuts, & other "circus"-y food
- racists (Faunus, who have good night vision and often good reflexes, comprised most of the troupe)
- any piece of equipment whose maker he doesn't personally know that he might ever need entrust his safety to
Recent Events:
Sean hasn't gotten into any shenanigans just yet. Stay tuned!
Alternate Characters:
Kailyn Keison
Lauren Voltaire
Chain Dupp
Leonard Uaine
Azoireda Ikteris
Claire Buíocán
Ethan Sagol
Saoirse Luíseach
Hamish Ebony
Raymond Drizton
Ziva Kaplan
Nell Kotsiopoulos
Professor Silas Aronheim

Contact Sean McCabe

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Sean cracks jokes in ff5733.

You can find EPs for all my characters here.