Viewing profile - Myron Hyles

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Myron Hyles
Mar 20th
Gender Identity:
Character Picture:
Personal Emblem Image:
5' 8" (1m73)
155 lbs (70 kg)
Eye Color:
Dark green
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
Myron's silhouette is lean, although a bit broad-shouldered. He has the muscles of a close-quarter fighter, but they are usually hidden under his loose clothes. He doesn't cut an imposing figure (without his gauntlet at least), despite his boots giving him a bit of height.
His face is on the round side, and he appears younger than he is as he doesn't have much facial hair. He has dark green eyes, black hair and a usually bland expression.
Outfit Description:
His usual outfit is a shirt under his favorite gray jacket with dark pants. He rarely strays away from neutral colors.
For fighting, he adds his padded black coat, leather gloves, and of course his weapons. The coat's highlights are the same color as his Aura.
Inside the academy, he rarely bothers with the full uniform, preferring his boots to the loafers, often forgoing the inner jacket and sometimes replacing the shirt for something more casual.
Personality Description:
Myron is a generally bored person (some say boring, too), and he isn't excited by a lot of things. He usually doesn't involve himself in other's problems, and only takes part in interesting conversations, which often seems contemptuous.
However, despite his "resting dead face", he has an easy laugh and appreciates all kinds of humor. He is very good at arguing too, though it can be either a quality or a flaw depending on context.

He is mainly invested in direct competitions, like games and fighting, where other people can keep things interesting. This makes for a wide competitive streak, and while he isn't a sore loser, you can expect him to train and ask for a rematch soon after a defeat.

He dislikes most solitary activites, including studying (sadly), but he still tries to do his best since his future depends on it. Unfortunately, his attention span isn't the best and he has no trouble falling asleep.

His wish to become a Huntsman stems from three things: he looks up to his parents and wants to help people like them; the alternatives weren't pleasant; he enjoys the thrill of a fight. He is ashamed of the selfish reasons, so he sticks to the first one when asked.
Although he mainly applied to Beacon to escape a boring life, he is still convinced that it is the best way to use his skills. Even if it bothers him, he tries to give help when asked, in an effort to be as selfless as both his parents.
Backstory Highlights:
Myron Hyles is born in the city of Vale, from a Huntsman named Ander Hyles and a nurse, Poppy Hyles.
His childhood doesn't have any event worth recounting, as he was not an excitable child, easily bored and not hard-working. He lived a fairly normal life, despite his father's job. Where some Huntsmen's children worried for their parents, Ander was rarely fighting and mostly worked as a frontline medic thanks to his Semblance, the ability to disinfect wounds by hand.

His parents tried to get him to take interest in something : sports, books, maths... and finally fighting. Because it kept him on his toes, Myron was a bit more willing to learn how to fight (also because it ended the "what do you want to do when you're older" talks). His dad pushed him into enrolling in Pharos Academy, where you had to try a bit unless you wanted to "eat the mat thrice a week", as he put it. This is when he bought the first version of 40 Winks.

Myron had mediocre records at first, but his Semblance appeared soon after his Aura was unlocked. He told his parents about it after he knocked a cat out by petting it. They both made a living of healing people, and thus were elated to see that their son could numb others' pain. It wasn't hard to take him out of Pharos with his marks, and Myron spent several months assisting his mother at her hospital.
Although he admired his parents and was willing to help, he hated the noise and the stress. Most of all, he hated being surrounded by death without being able to stop it most of the time. His mom tried to convince him that he was doing good, but he insisted that numbing the pain didn't help people survive in the end. He wanted to prevent death, not just suffering.

Myron told his parents that he wanted to be like his dad and went back to combat school. 40 Winks was made into a larger and heavier gauntlet to accomodate his fighting style. He put in the work this time, in fear of returning to the hospital. He would have to get a job at some point and his skillset was rather limited. While he stayed behind most students in several courses, he had an edge for one-on-one fights and against tough-to-kill Grimm. His newfound sense of competition pushed him to train more and more, and sparring partners weren't in short supply.

Thanks to this, he graduated from Pharos, but his weaknesses became obvious when he applied to Beacon Academy and failed the entrance exams. He bought Shut-eye to help with mobility and fighting armed people, then did little else than train against Ander and his squad for a year before reapplying, as his dad assured him that he now had what it took.
Myron studied in Pharos, one of Vale's combat schools. He only started training seriously halfway in, however, and barely graduated but didn't make it into Beacon Academy. He trained with the Huntsmen working with his dad for a year after that.
Semblance Name:
Sleeping Spell
Semblance Description:
Myron's Aura has numbing properties. It disables nerves like an anesthetic : the area where Myron touches will progressively lose feeling until it is paralyzed. If used on their head, it can make people, animals and Grimm fall unconscious. It only works with direct contact between his Aura and his foe.

This Semblance is very effective against Grimm, making a Beowolf faint with a few seconds of influence. It also works quite well on civilians, but not so much on Aura users, as Aura seems to absorb most of the effect. It takes far more time to make a Huntsman faint from it, and the effect disappears faster too.

While Sleeping Spell can be channeled through weapons and clothing the same way as Aura, its effect is nullified by active Dust: this means that Myron cannot use it to make tranquilizer bullets for instance.

Sleeping Spell's power can be varied, but toning it down is rarely useful. Even at full power, the drain on Myron's Aura is slow, and he can keep it up for several minutes.
Weapon Name:
40 Winks
Weapon Image:
Weapon Description:
It is a submachine gun gauntlet firing earth Dust bullets. Deployed, it covers Myron's entire forearm with metal plates.

To augment his strikes, the red part is thrust forward like a piston when he hits something past a treshold speed, with two settings: one flanged to save Dust, the other providing enough force to crack the toughest Grimm's bone armor.

The bullets aren't powerful, but they form hand-sized rocks on impact, and the gauntlet is built to absorb all recoil. The magazine contains a hundred bullets, but takes time to replace (unlocking it requires a short password).
Other Gear:
To fill some of the holes in his fighting style, he also uses a four feet long hook sword named Shut-eye.
Fighting Style:
Myron's fighting style is centered around tiring out his opponents. He mainly tries to stay in close quarters, where he can land as many blows as possible with his fists, boots, or sword. He is a fast fighter, and relies on momentum rather than strength to deal heavy hits.

Against Grimm, he focuses on glancing blows and grabs to use his Semblance to its full potential.
Against humans and faunus, he uses 40 Winks to hit hard and Shut-eye to parry; if possible, he tries to slowly paralyze their main hand or a leg to gain the advantage.
Shut-eye fills the dual role of deflecting blows and grabbing foes to keep them close. He is very skilled in parrying since he uses Shut-eye like a longer arm, but his swordplay is mediocre.

If he has to fight at a distance, he uses 40 Winks to cover his targets in rocks to slow them down and restrict their movements. The large magazines help outlast opponents in a gun fight, allowing Myron to close in while they reload.
Most of Myron's friendships are born from friendly rivalries, sparked by his competitiveness. People who share his mindset will find him a reliable friend if they can get past his nonplussed attitude. He rarely gets angry and tries to keep a level head even when a situation escalates (and even when he is helping it escalate).

He is extremely good in close combat, especially one on one, because he trained for it and because his Semblance gives him an edge even against more skilled opponents. As a bonus, it makes grappling him a very bad idea.
He also excels in fighting grounded Grimm, which he can paralyze and move around easily.
His weapons shine in obstacle-ridden environments, where Shut-eye helps him maneuver between obstacles, and 40 Winks' bullets can create holds in a pinch.
Myron's approach to many social situations is not caring, which makes it difficult to connect with a lot of people. He rarely bothers with small talk, and isn't a very good listener.
He nearly always responds to taunting and goading (be it friendly or not), which has landed him in trouble several times.

In battle, Myron is weak in ranged and aerial fights, as his only real answer to distant and flying foes is to pelt them with bullets.
He also has trouble fighting with or against multiple fighters: a pack of weak Grimm is harder for him than just a strong one, and he never worked with a team.
Finally, if you are fast enough, and can get in and out of his range quickly, it is possible to overwhelm him even in close quarters.
- Verbal and physical sparring
- Winning a hard fight
- Being able to help people
- All kinds of multiplayer games : board games, card games, video games...
- Spicy food
- Jokes
- Trying new things in general
- Idle talk
- Training or exercising alone
- Being selfish
- Boredom
- Nevermores and other flying Grimm
- Doing things alone in general
Recent Events:
- Landed in Beacon with Vlithra and Bartok, trying and failing to play cards with a blind man.

- Met a weird and scary woman in the cafeteria after midnight, of which he's still unsure how much was real.

- Started advertising a casino night open to any and all students in his dorm room.
Alternate Characters:
Keid Sharma

Contact Myron Hyles

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