Viewing profile - Fuchsia Iris Ükhel

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Fuchsia Iris Ükhel
June 13th
Gender Identity:
Faunus (Black Cat, ears and tail)
Character Picture: ... _Flats.png
Personal Emblem Image: ... Emblem.png
131 lbs.
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Purple and pink
Physical Description:
Fuchsia is a moderately tall Faunus female who has an athletic build, her muscles are fairly well toned and add to the curvy nature of her physique. She has a fairly exotic look to her, with narrower eyes, light tan skin, and a thin face, and coupled with her black-furred ears, which are somewhat large even by Faunus standards, she radiates a feminine glow that accentuates her typically mischievous, angled, golden eyes. In the darkness, they can easily be mistaken for a cat's, as they catch even the dim light and reflect it. When angry, scared, or possibly lustful, they can take on a predatory aspect to them that adds a certain air of danger to her gaze. She usually wears thick eyeliner and lets her long, flowing black hair remain free.

Scattered about her face and ears are small piercings of shining silver. Most commonly, she wears a nose ring in the center of her nostrils, and a silver ball in the center of her tongue, but she has many more that occasionally make appearances when the mood strikes her. These include a ring in the center of her bottom lip, three loops on her right ear, a bar in her left ear, and studs on the left side of her nose and her left eyebrow respectively.

Fuchsia has a tattoo running around her left arm in a spiral pattern, a swarm of butterflies that grow larger the closer they get to her elbow, extending all the way from the bottom of her wrist to the top of her forearm.
Outfit Description:
Fuchsia typically wears black with purple highlights, preferring a heavy leather jacket and studded or spiked leather collars, bracelets, or belts. She almost always wears tight-fitting pants of various materials, usually black, grey, or on some occasions white or the basic blue of denim jeans.

She wears a black ribbon in her hair, which is occasionally used to tie it back, though this is very rare and usually only happens when the situation calls for it. Underneath her jacket, she most often wears tank-tops of varying colors. Fingerless gloves are a typical choice for her, either black or purple, with purple or black boots or sneakers, and every so often she is seen with a temporary streak of purple in her hair.

She also wears a small necklace of a stylized frog around her neck most days.
Personality Description:
Fuchsia embodies the general spirit of an alley-cat, she is a rebellious, rambunctious young Faunus who has a penchant for teasing people and flirting. Because of her past, she is a streetwise and savvy character who could be considered resourceful in a pinch and knows more than she lets on about most situations. There is a degree of mystery to her, as she rarely talks about her past outside of generalized surface information, preferring instead to talk about herself directly or other people. Fuchsia loves to express herself, whether that's through telling others how she feels, leaving it to be written on her emotive face, or banging it out on her drum kit, she is never short of ways to tell the world what she's feeling at any given moment. She loves music, in particular punk rock and metal, and is always down to see a show. People-watching is one of her favorite past-times, and she is an avid judge of complete strangers, though this isn't often a mean-spirited endeavor, seen by her as simple entertainment.

While on the surface, Fuchsia seems to be a passionate and outgoing sort who likes to have fun and party, which she does, underneath her external atmosphere there exists a more troubled and tumultuous girl who lacks direction and fundamentally doesn't understand herself or her place in this world. Fuchsia suffers from a strenuous case of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which can affect many facets of her life and leaves her frequently suffering a high level of baseline anxiety, making it more difficult to function properly on a daily basis. This problem can seep in anywhere and at any time to any given situation; it is the culprit behind her impulsivity and her lack of mindfulness of other's feelings, as well as her inability to understand other people's perceptions of her actions or her words. Only in recent years has she become aware of this fundamental issue of her personality, though it has affected her for most of her life, and it is through recent treatment by the wonderful mental health staff at Beacon Academy that she's been able to start to heal from her past traumas and work toward a better life, hopefully full of friends who love her and optimism about the future that she might not have had otherwise in her previous life.
Backstory Highlights:
Fuchsia was born in the city of Mantle, high in the north of Remnant's snowy wastes. Abandoned at birth by her parents, she was raised in a destitute orphanage run by a cold and mostly uncaring staff. Her early life was indicative of a lack of parental love and support, without a family in this seemingly indifferent world. From a young age it became clear to her that if she wanted to get by, she had to do what she could to survive by taking what she needed. She was seen by the other children at the orphanage as a bully who stole food and pushed the other children around in order to see her needs met. She wasn't happy at the orphanage at all, and she was as rebellious as possible toward the staff. She was punished frequently for her misbehavior. Eventually, though, she grew older, and as soon as she was old enough to hatch a plan to escape, she did.

When she was a mere twelve years old, she fled the orphanage and became a street urchin in Mantle's unforgiving cityscape. A tiny thief and beggar, she soon found a small reputation for her skill at stealth and subterfuge, and was eventually approached by the leader of a street gang known as the Rat Pack, Street Rats, or simply "The Rats". The Rats were an organized criminal enterprise consisting entirely of Faunus that were engaged in many different illegal activities, including theft, mugging, burglary, gang warfare, drug trafficking, blackmail, and in some cases, even murder. A young Fuchsia was easily swayed into the group by the charismatic leader, an alligator Faunus known as Carmine. He saw to it that she was trained and vetted as a criminal from a young age, and her teen years were spent largely committing crimes that ran the gambit of the Rats' list of activities. She was a particularly adept cat burglar, pulling off a great deal of break-ins that resulted in thousands of Lien worth of stolen valuables.

Though it was complicated and fraught with difficulties, Fuchsia has fond memories of this time in her life, between the age of twelve and fifteen, when she would spend nights on the rooftops in a makeshift hovel underneath Remnant's stars. Her interest in music was cultivated there when she became exposed to the cultures that seeped into the city from the rest of Remnant.

As Fuchsia grew older, she became more and more disillusioned with the lifestyle she'd made for herself. She wasn't a criminal at heart, and deep down she knew that, however the impressionable young Fuchsia had been taken in hard by the gang lifestyle, swept up in the romanticized notion of criminality. Late in her fifteenth year of life, Fuchsia made the worst choice of her young life, and she pushed deeper into the ranks of the gang, taking up the drug trade as one of her many activities. It was only a year later that she found herself deep in the throes of addiction. Over the course of this year, the changes in Fuchsia's personality brought on by her addiction eventually brought on conflict and turmoil in her relationships. Meanwhile, Fuchsia's emotions were increasingly unstable, she grew unpredictable and in some cases violent, and in the meantime she delved deeper and deeper into the depravity that was brought on by drug addiction and gang activity.

Eventually, Fuchsia hit her lowest point, and reality came knocking on her door one night when she took her violence to new extremes that shocked her into momentary lucidity. That night when she came home, she formulated a plan to attempt to get her sober and eventually leave the gang life all together. She wanted to escape Mantle, flee away from Atlas and the north and go somewhere where the grass was greener. She decided to go anywhere but there, no matter how.

Finally, a job came through for a heist that was perfect for her sorts of skills. The payoff was huge. Empowered by her dreams of a better life, she took the job and had planned to keep the score for herself, using the money to run away and start a new life somewhere else. The only issue was that Carmine was one step ahead of them. He'd long been expecting her to double-cross him, and rather than wait around for this to happen, when her eagerness to take the job struck him, he instead hatched a plan to double-cross her first.

Silently alerting the Atlas authorities and tipping them off to the heist, on the day she took action, Fuchsia suddenly found herself caught red-handed breaking into an Atlas noble's manor, and her heist became a desperate attempt to flee and survive. Hounded by the police who were well aware of her identity, her criminal past caught up with her and lent to the ferocity with which she was pursued through the city. She had, fortunately, planned an escape route ahead of time, to jump ship in Mantle's port and flee from the city aboard a boat bound for an outlying town. Unfortunately, on the way to the port, she was cut off when the Mantle police called in support from an Atlas police division, and she found herself quickly surrounded and trapped in a small abandoned building like a rat in a cage.

She knew she'd been set up. She made a desperate stand against the authorities, and a shootout ensued, in the process she was wounded. By a sheer stroke of luck, fighting through pain and the threat of death, it was this moment when Fuchsia's Aura suddenly sprang to life and her Semblance came to her, she suddenly found that she was able to cause the soldier's rifles to jam and their bullets to miss. She had the ability to give them Bad Luck, at least that's how she understood it at the time, and she used this new power to fool their efforts and escape. Tailed by the police, Fuchsia was able to hide long enough to unskillfully bandage her wounds and stow away aboard an outbound freighter.

But the story wasn't over for Fuchsia. Now alone, she waited for the few days it took to reach her destination before she slipped ashore during the night. She'd landed at a tiny snowy village near the coast that was barely inside the protected borders that Atlas offered. Here there were only occasional soldiers and village folk, and nearby, the forest where the Grimm lurked. Grimm weren't foreign to young Fuchsia, however she'd never seen them personally nor dealt with them herself. In that first day, though, another stroke of luck had found her somehow, and just outside of town, in the forest, she'd found an abandoned cabin in which she could lie low.

The months following this debacle were spent merely surviving. Unable to truly cope mentally with all that had happened to her, Fuchsia became a reclusive, antisocial hermit, existing alone in her dilapidated cabin with only herself and the occasional wandering Grimm to keep her company. Her skills, honed by years of gang involvement, though, let her survive. She could fight, so the small number of wandering Grimm never gave her much trouble, and she could steal, making forays into the town at night to lift fresh-baked pies placed on windowsills or sacks of potatoes left in barns. What little the townsfolk did see of her were fleeting glimpses and dark silhouettes, noticing that their things were missing the next morning. They started circulating rumors of her existence, whispered low between themselves, the idea that there was magical, evil creature lurking in the woods with big ears and glowing eyes that stalked through the town and stole food at night. They eventually attributed the disappearance of several children to her, though Fuchsia understood this to be the doing of the Grimm, preying on children that didn't heed their parent's tales and wandered too far out in the woods alone.

Fuchsia eventually became an avid hunter of these woodland Grimm, throwing herself almost recklessly at them, an attempt she now recognizes as self-harming behavior. She had been, essentially, trying to chase her own death. Life was extremely difficult for her, especially without any resources of her own, but after she'd saved several townsfolk from the Grimm, the rumors about her seemed to change in nature. She'd gone from a mysterious ghostly figure to some kind of witch in the woods, and every so often, she found small offerings left in baskets near the edge of the woods that were left with notes of thanks to her.

Life carried on this way for two years. Now nearing eighteen years old, she'd grown more accustomed to this lifestyle, though it did nothing for her mental health, until one fateful day she met a man that would change everything for her.

A Huntsman from Beacon was in the area conducting research on the local plant-life's medicinal properties, a man named Dargo. He had followed up on the rumors of her existence in a persistent and scientific manner, eventually tracking her down and finding her secluded old cabin in the woods. To his surprise he found not a monster or a witch or a hermit, but a scared, angry young Faunus girl who seemed down on her luck and didn't care much for other people. His initial approach had been met with violence, though his personal skill outweighed Fuchsia's. He did however note her proficiency with combat, observing her from afar for a few days and watching her daily routines. The next few attempts he made to contact her were much more successful, and eventually, he approached her and later befriended her, helping her get supplies and food and even teaching her things. He occasionally brought her gifts, trying to win her favor, and soon enough the two were talking regularly together, giving Fuchsia a much-needed outlet for expression and human contact.

Realizing her need to move on from whatever it was that was troubling her, Dargo offered her a solution to her problem. What would she do with her life, now? Where would she go, who would she be now that she wasn't Fuchsia the Cat Burglar or Fuchsia the Drug Dealer? He offered her a choice; either she could stay there, in this miserable winter hellhole, or she could leave with him when he returned to Beacon, and make something of her life.

How could she refuse?

A few months later, and Fuchsia left that place with Dargo, finally being taken away to Vale to start the new life she'd been promised. Her memory still carries the weight of her past, but she is now determined to make the best of her circumstances, her newfound penchant for helping people grown out of her time saving strangers in the woods. The role of Grimm Hunter gave her new purpose in life, and the promise of finding friends her own age, good influences, and a real future drives her now, a strong and true Huntress.
Student - Final year
Fuchsia learned everything she knows from the streets of Mantle, with a bit of extra training from the Huntsman known as Dargo. She has attended Beacon Academy for several years, with mediocre grades, but passing none-the-less.
Semblance Name:
Witch Way
Semblance Description:
Fuchsia's Semblance is abstract, and even she doesn't fully understand it herself. When activated, Fuchsia's Aura begins vibrating chaotically, destabilizing itself and shrieking about her in a rather violent manner. While in this state, objects which touch her Aura are "destabilized," creating various adverse effects.

These effects depend on the composition of the matter which comes into contact with the destabilized Aura. For example, if a rock touches it, it begins to vibrate too, and if it stays in contact, will eventually crack, and then eventually break apart, crumbling into dust after much prolonged exposure. An arrow might fly dramatically off course as it passes into the field, the wood warping slightly and causing its aerodynamics to be compromised.

Perhaps more interesting, however, is the effect it has on organic matter. If someone were to place their hand against this strange, ethereal Aura, at first they might feel it begin to "crawl" against their flesh, individual segments of it sliding against one another and snaking about like a thousand tiny worms. Eventually, the effect might reach their own Aura, causing it too to destabilize, and producing a hole where there otherwise would have been defensive coverage. Prolonged exposure against unprotected flesh causes burns similar to rope burn, as if great amounts of friction had been applied to the effected area; painful, but not completely debilitating.

However, when concentrated through manipulation of her Aura, Fuchsia can direct this raw destabilizing energy into and through an object, a creature, or any larger object that might prove more difficult to affect than through simple contact. Being attacked in this way has a much more devastating effect as the forces applied to the matter in question are far greater. It can punch holes in solid walls as the structural integrity is completely destabilized, or cause a Grimm to erupt into a black cloud of smoke as whatever was holding it together is interrupted completely.

The Aura drain this ability uses is directly proportional to effect; that is to say, the more juice she gives it, the more destructive it becomes. Overuse of this ability is very dangerous, as it will cause her own Aura to destabilize as the forces grow beyond her ability to contain them. This begs caution on her part, requiring a lot more precision and control than one might initially understand.
Weapon Name:
Weapon Description:
This oversized butterfly knife-turned-sword was crafted by Fuchsia upon her admission to Beacon Academy with assistance from Dargo. Folded up, the length of the handles stretch two feet long, the blade held within is similar in length. The blade has a single outward sharp edge, the back, blunted edge is engraved along the length with a winding floral pattern, lotuses on creeping vines.

The handles of the weapon are made from carved ivory featuring a pair of long, coiling dragons which appear to face outward when the knife is closed, and meet each other face to face when open. The handles are quite thick, an inch each in diameter and both capable of loading Dust canisters at their base, typically one fire and one ice. A purple leather loop dangles from the end of one of the handles which can assist in binding them together so the weapon doesn't open accidentally.

The Dust canisters in each of the handles serve different purposes. The one loaded into the outside grip is used to discharge elemental effects from the bottom of the handle, while the one loaded into the inner grip can imbue the blade with elemental properties. Either one can be channeled to infuse with Fuchsia's Semblance.
Other Gear:
Fuchsia owns a forty-four caliber revolver which she occasionally uses as a ranged attack option, and she possesses an extensive knife collection which contains myriad blades, a few of which she keeps hidden on her at all times, save when sleeping.
Fighting Style:
The most obvious property that Fuchsia exhibits in combat is certainly her speed, followed closely by her physical dexterity. Her catlike nature isn't lost on her, and her tail gives her a distinct advantage in maintaining her balance when moving at high speeds.

A master of dirty tricks and underhanded tactics, Fuchsia can often take an opponent by surprise, exploiting their blind spots, weak points, and bewildering them with speed or sneak attacks. She is adept in stealth-work, and easily capable of sneaking up on her opponent to strike when they're flat footed, provided they don't have a form of detection ability that assists in finding her.

A skilled artist with the balisong, Fuchsia uses every aspect of her weapon to good effect. Her precise dexterity allows her to roll the handles along her shoulders, arms, wrists, or even her elbows when needed, giving her a great many angles of approach with her blade that normal swords can't exploit.

She often whips the handles about herself in a fashion similar to nunchaku, using the blunt ends of the handles as striking surfaces just as often as she uses her blade directly. She attacks opponents with her elbows or knees, preferring to drive her speed and momentum into as small of a point as possible to deliver maximum damage, instead of broad-surfaced kicks or direct straight-armed punches, though these are dangerous, too!
-Streetwise, savvy
-Family adverse
-Music, particularly punk rock and metal
-Drums, playing the drums
-Gardening, especially flowers
-Motorcycles (VROOM!)
-Sneaking up on people (BOO!)
-Buying things for people
-Butterflies and FROGS.
-Anxiety and Stress
-Homework (particularly Math)
-Being alone for too long
-Talking about family
-Feeling trapped
-Intense quiet
-People that hear but do not listen, feeling unheard or unacknowledged
-Dogs and Bugs (except spiders?)
Fun Facts:
-Ükhel means "death" in Mongolian.
-Fuchsia grows both orchids and irises in her dorm room.
-Fu is ambidextrous and likes to show it off.
-Fu's blood type is O-.
-Fu is exceptionally good at cheating in games.
-Did you know? Fuchsia knows how to assemble improvised explosive devices.
Recent Events:
Alternate Characters:
Professor Honeydew Monarch
Sable Citrine

Contact Fuchsia Iris Ükhel

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Main themesong:

We used to watch the butterflies / Floating among the raindrops
But time will worry us into the dirt